Well, my computer isn't too happy right now. I can only get wifi in one room, and I'm sharing with oldest dd, so..... I don't get on very often these days. I spend hours in the yard, then tend to the kids, and it's all I can do to stay awake to brush teeth and floss. I was using the water pic too, which I love, but I'm just so tired.
So, here's my update. The yard is coming along. The front leaf pile area, outlined with an orange electric cord and roughly 160 lin feet, was covered completely in cardboard. We looked very post apocolyptic for a while there... many neighbors driving by, wondering how crazy I am, then going on their way. They also wonder what the heck I'm doing in my yard so many hours a day, and then my sister joined in. SO. MANY. HOURS. They can't understand the whole pulling grass and weeds thing, while planting moss, bc they spend their time trying to kill moss while planting grass. It's interesting to see them come around as progress is made though.
So, the cardboard was there till I'd finished my research and bought 2 pallets of medium sized riverrocks for the border. I made the purchase at a country store, and they delivered the same day, dropping them CRASH into the island from the drive. It was spectacular, and worked out well, bc I had them all in place in a few hours. Very satisfying. Now the neighbors come by, and chat about their moss, and bring me pieces they find. They have a new appreciation for moss in general, which is nice.
My water pressure was very high... suddenly, and almost violent, which was nice after low hot water pressure for 2 years. The down side was blown out hoses in the yard, and finally the dishwasher blew something underneath and flooded my dinining room and kitchen into the crawl space over night. The plumber came out and replaced the valve INTO the house that controls the pressure from the street and he changed out 2 valves on my 17 yo hot water heater, which is next to be replaced.
He put in a dishwasher, which was nice. At some point I'll consider putting in an industrial vent over the stove/oven, which is a Jennair unit vented undereath. They odn't make them any more, and this one is pretty old.... expensive to replace with newer models. Will think about that, but happy to have water pressure fixed.
I dragged a big moss covered stump home today, and thought about you, Tupp. How the voices in your head assume negative things. I met a neighbor, and she questioned me about where I was from..... was I from the nieghborhood, and what was my name, blah blah. It felt like she was assuming I was stealing something, and I just had to remind myself that what she was thinking wasn't any of my business, and go on with the task at hand which I did.
This stump is glorious, guys. Just lovely. Must run and pick up kids.
We're all doing OK. The kids laugh a lot, and cut pumpkins last night with friends... made gf apple dumplings, and loved on my roasted chicken.
We're doing OK.