I'll just yammer on....
I am positive that my past hurts and romantic calamities are also a cue for some of the anxiety I'm feeling.
All this stuff is really, really reinforcing my desire to go sloooooooowly with him (or with anyone that I were dating). He is impatient, eager to get on to bed, to domestic shared life. I feel sympathy for him because he is lonely, and I know how excruciating that can be.
But dating me for two months just doesn't get me into bed or anchored to a shared domestic routine. Unfortunately (for him or anyone) -- my slim chances of finding a new mate are in great contrast to modern dating models (in which you're lucky if you can postpone sex to your second date, much less to your second month).
I'm sooooooo socially left and liberal that it might seem ironic. I was a round-heeled 60s woman, for sure, in my youth. But over my life (and the 20 years of thinking hard since my second divorce) the gradual, older-school approach to dating I was raised with, now makes a lot more sense to me.
A way to get to know someone more gently and slowly, over time, and in many different contexts, not just being alone together. (I LIKE sex and look forward to it becoming part of my life again. And the chemistry with B so far is good.) But I am willing to wait, and wait, and wait...for the moment when my concerns are allayed and everything inside lines up saying Yes. This man is the right person for me to trust, enjoy, and celebrate lowering my guard with. Then, va-voom.
I hope, should B actually be a right person for me to continue with, that he'll understand that too. He is a physical, athletic man (I do aerobic reading) and I am sure that the reassurance of renewed sex in his life is very, very important to him. I don't disapprove of that at all and in my past, my compassion and empathy for whatever a man is feeling would lead me to put their desires first.
I just hope that he can make that sacrifice. What I know about myself is that for me, sex is more deep than simply playful, so I'm making a deep commitment when I make that decision.
I was struck by a comment from my beloved, trusted male T. He said, well the best time to learn a lot more about what's in a man's heart is after sex. They feel relaxed and open then, and that's when they're likely to show you who they really are.
What hit me was that even he was thinking that my hesitation about getting into bed before I'm ready could or should be set aside. He has a point about intimacy (emotional) being connected to being physically intimate. Of course.
But what about my realization that slow courtship is safer and healthier for me?