Some more thoughts as I'm reading through again, Hops - bullet points, and with the caveat that I have a history of abuse so I am quite sensitive to 'man' stuff - but what's flashed at me reading through is:
You've only actually been 'a couple' three weeks. And only seeing each other two or three times a week during that period. Very early stages and you've been very clear about wanting to proceed slowly. Three weeks isn't slow, by anybody's standards. I don't feel there's any justification for him being impatient.
Indoors, on a couch, getting it on, is very low maintenance from his point of view. No need to talk, dress up, engage with other people, enjoy experiences, explore. Easy, indoors, little effort, physical needs met. I don't read anything of you in there.
You mention feeling pressured several times. I think this is a red flag. You are a very wise, compassionate, well educated woman with a lot of (often unpleasant) life experience. You've been very clear, precise and measured with him about what you want and what you are looking for. If you're feeling pressured I think it's because he's putting you under pressure, albeit subtly (and that's a red flag for me, people who elicit feelings in us because their actions and their vibe don't tally with their words are potentially troublesome).
The after dinner exchange sounds unpleasant. You've been out for a bite to eat, it's mid-week, you've got work again in the morning. To my mind a kiss and a cuddle before heading indoors sounds great but boob grabbing? Not the time or the place and, as you said, not on the same page as you. The interchange about the wine seemed odd? I can't quite put my finger on it but it felt as though the wine was supposed to get him through the door or something? It doesn't feel jokey when I read it although I can't really explain why.
He has no right to feel frustrated or entitled so you don't need to be feeling you can't 'help' how you feel. How you feel is exactly how I would feel in that situation. You've been clear you need time - if he needs things to move quickly he has the option to move on - you've not given him any false flags or false hope. He has no entitlement to anything, under any circumstances. It reads as though you're worried about how you're reacting to him and that worries me.
You mention that he kept kissing you when you were talking. You weren't reciprocating, you felt nervous and he just ignored all of that and carried on doing what he wanted. Then you say that you wish you had the guts to say something and that bothered me, Hops, that you're feeling you need to summon up courage to deal with him? This is not sitting well with me. And then you mention you want to discuss it with him but you're worried you won't approach it right. That concerns me as well.
I will hold up my flag of declaration - I'm no expert when it comes to relationships and I have additional issues because of the sexual abuse, but for me this raised a lot of red flags, Hopsie, more because of the way you're talking about it. It sounds like he's knocked you off your stride, purposely or unconsciously I don't know, but it sounds as if you're doubting yourself and questioning yourself and you mention more that once trying to say or do things in a way that, essentially, won't bother him. That concerns me greatly. A part of me is wondering now if he's told you what he thinks you want to hear so that he can get what he wants quicker. I worry when people's actions and mannerisms don't match the things they say. From my perspective, there should be no assumption on his part that he's going to be invited in, nor that it's okay to touch you or carry on kissing you when you aren't reciprocating. Personally I would want clear talking and sensitivity from a guy - the same way that you've been very clear with him and you're working to understand his point of view. I think that needs to go both ways. So I would say put the brakes on for now, and perhaps don't mention anything for now. Perhaps just say you need to work or you need a little space and leave it to see if he tries to fix it or work out if everything's okay, instead of you doing it all? I don't mean in a playing games way, but just sit back for a few days and see what happens without you steering the whole situation? xx