Bravo. I love how you're approaching this.
Interested while intelligent.
Excited while not letting fantasy outstrip reality.
Attracted while waiting to verify.
Yes yes.
My big one, (from my own experience bias) is that since writing is my comfort zone, the way I both open myself to others AND "manage" my presentation thus actually remain in "hiding"...means I can get caught in lengthy online relationships with men that take so much energy, fuel my fantasizing side endlessly, and allow me to AVOID real-life tricky.
When you're literally geographically isolated, much less can't build real connection online unless it's the kind of thing where you never have serious hopes of meeting this man IRL.
I'm babbling, but Judith Sills' advice has stayed with me. DON'T -- if you're looking for a real-life mate -- build a huge relationship in writing or correspondence. START it there, of course. That's great! And teddibly modern. But if a spark of interest sustains itself over a few written exchanges, move it to the real or step away.
Because all the time and energy and emotion and imagination and wondering and hoping that you invest in writing time and energy and emotion and imagination and discovery that you cannot invest in a person sitting across from you.
If possible and plausible and workable for you.
And if not...then maybe the online romance is what you need. I feel my opinions TOO strongly and tend to generalize them as right for everybody else. And I do think that's a pattern of mine and consider myself busted (while offering it anyway, fwiw).
Oy, I wear myself out.
Tickled pink to hear you've reached out and that something happened. Just dunno yet what the something is, and don't want you hurt or disappointed in any way that might cause you to further retrench.
It's good to get out of the trenches, and into the sunshine.
(Preaching to self, as I hide in my bed avoiding my decision about very likely dumping B...more on that on Heist.)
love to you,