Author Topic: Relationship/s  (Read 139545 times)


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1005 on: October 04, 2022, 12:30:46 PM »
Well, I'm pleased I dunnit a few last times (then let the subscription to the findageezer website lapse). Experiences were good and interesting.

Disentangled from Train Man, who was exotic and has had a fascinating life. But I think he's not a partner candidate (I specifically need to AVOID exotic rebels, I married two of them). I wrote him about my covid precautions and mentioned I wasn't sure we were on the same page, but what did he think....and he responded that he's not going to "live in a bubble" (which I hadn't suggested). I saw that he wouldn't change a single small practice for a couple hours to make me feel more comfortable, and given how much he travels and mingles, I realized we're not a good fit. But with him, the biggest reason is what my T reminded me to pay attention to: Does he ask you any questions about yourself and your own life? Nope. He just didn't. He's looking for someone to fill the gap in his life, but I'm not sure how capable he is of seeing her. Not his fault and I still like him, but don't think we'll see each other again. All okay. Very pleased I had the two-date adventure.

Another man is considerably older but fitter than Train Man, and I did like him. He's more conservative than I am (as are most humans) and likewise interesting. But he honestly explained that he had been connecting with another person from the website, and that might be developing into something, so he felt he didn't want to string me along. Loved this part: if things don't grow into something with her, he'll get back in touch and he and I can "start again". Made me laugh, that he was so transparently explaining I'd be a Plan B. Really didn't offend me a bit because that's the way life goes. (He was married for 55 years, so is not slick at all in how he communicates -- just straightfoward). I would enjoy seeing him again and appreciated his honesty. But chances are he's on his way to another nice connection that'll be right for him.

Maybe if (when) I get unbearably lonely this winter I'll revive the subscription and correspond with a man or two. I was just hearing from so many that didn't remotely suit or didn't seem to have read a word I said, just reacted to the photo. (Even after I added my current haggard post-pandemic pix!). I also should/could/might join the fancy-schmancy senior center, and make new friends in person.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1006 on: October 07, 2022, 12:33:41 PM »
I hope someone pops up in real life, Hops, I find the online stuff really difficult.  I did try it again after we moved here but, like you, I've mostly had messages from completely unsuitable men who've not read the profile and I think just contact literally any woman within a certain distance in the hope that one will say yes.  It's hard to sift through and then do the date thing (especially when they tell you you're option two - honesty is great but yeah, no-one likes to know they're someone else's Plan B!  I agree it's better than stringing you along though).  It's good you noticed train guy wasn't asking questions about you.  It's weird how many people do that.  I've only met one couple I don't like since we moved here and it's because they're like that - they just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and there's no back and forth, it's so tiring.  If I see them I shoot off the other way :)


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1007 on: October 07, 2022, 05:28:50 PM »
It's good you're not wasting any time trying to figure out IF a guy is more or less than he appears to be, Tupp.



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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1008 on: October 24, 2022, 08:27:57 AM »
I thought about chemist guy's Plan B explanation for a week or so, then realized what I needed to do. Wasn't angry, just something was bothering me about how sweetly and supportively and kindly I'd instantly accepted his plan.

Still did/do completely support his right to be where he is, and appreciated his candor in saying so (though that was only after I'd sensed something was off, and asked). Anyway, I decided about a week ago to write him one last time to tell him I'd realized it wasn't best for me to leave things quite as described. And my request was that if he does get back in touch it be because he genuinely would like to get to know me better, not just because there's a "position vacant." No response but I didn't need one. It was as though I was writing that for me, not him. For a change.

My T nearly did a cartwheel when I told her this, bouncing in her chair. I think we've gradually gotten it through my skull that I've taken on a whole lot of unequal or over-accomodating relationships in my past, because early experience taught me I was supposed to take care of everybody and perhaps I learned to neglect myself.

Seems sort of basic, a self esteem thing. But I'm glad things like that are coming more clear for me. I think right now, "Relationships" is just about connecting and having deeper conversations and doing more to bring myself into the orbits of other people, regardless of gender. Just on faith that I need more social fuel to keep me alive.

Sun's coming into the bedroom window. Morning is beautiful. Crows gathered to yell at me so I scattered peanuts out front. They're so funny. "The diner's open!"

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1009 on: October 24, 2022, 02:26:27 PM »
::twirling in the sun::.

No crows, but I'm thinking if them happily hanging in your yard, Hops.

I'm right there with your T....
::twirling again::.




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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1010 on: January 27, 2023, 03:46:23 PM »
I love the ways things/moments can be two things at once. As long as I SEE it.

Backstory: Holiday period. Tough time to be "alone in the world." But I was weathering it. Y'all may recall my happiness over my NY card, with its amazing pic of Pooch in sunbeams.

I had one left and was pondering: who'd enjoy this? Wellll, partly I'm sure out of the loneliness of the period, a little nostalgia, plus some what-the-hell -- I sent the last one to M. (He really adored Pooch and when I ended things with him, I felt sad about that part.)

Sure enough, I get an immediate email thanking me profusely for the "unexpected and very welcome" beautiful card blah blah (my message was just wishing you well, hope you'll have a great 2023 but the effect was a trigger for him). And he invites me for "dinner and wine" -- usual MO. And says he'd meant to reply with great new pix of his Gdtr (the newborn I fell in love with when he took me to CA to meet the family, who welcomed me as though I was already the kids' grandma).

I reply that getting together isn't a good idea for me, because it'd be "too painful" to revisit that loss but I (and Pooch) wish him well!

He writes again all about his decision to move to CA, which was his exact plan when we met. And a dazzling description of the house he's bought there, 20 minutes from his family. (Remember when I'd agreed to sell my house, leave my home, and join him in a new life there?)

I write back I'm happy for him, just where he needs to be, and congrats on his new home. Buh-bye. But I won't visit because that'd be "too painful" (to revisit the lost dream).

Anyway, in total, I say the words "too painful" in three messages. He ignores that each time and writes something charming and cheery. Writes me again that if I want to visit him just let him know, any time. I write back, no, it'd be "too painful" to hang with his family again, given how things turned out. But I'm happy for him.

He replies, "Just tell me anytime you'd like to visit me..." etc.

My last reply was one word:

Then I blocked his email address and moved on. But I was upset and anxious for several days just from the interaction. Taught me a lot. When a boundary is important for your health or healing, don't poke little holes in it! Feel fine now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1011 on: January 27, 2023, 05:16:51 PM »
Curse those painful reminders, Hops.

You wanted to share a sunny pooch photo and kind thought.

M can't hear a word you're saying, no matter how direct and clear you are.  He just can't.
This is practice for your head and heart.  Another lesson and that's ok.

Blicking him seemed wise.




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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1012 on: January 27, 2023, 06:15:46 PM »
Thanks Lighter, a lot.

I feel fine about the mistake; really do.
Sometimes there's a self-testing curtain call, I think.

Did I learn my lesson?
Do I remember what happened and why?
Do I still believe I did the right thing?

This short exchange with him, although difficult, was validating.
My answer is Yes to all three.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1013 on: January 28, 2023, 07:53:56 AM »
Was there just a teeny bit of hope that M had also learned to hear/respond to you Hops? Maybe the test was for HIM, ya know.
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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1014 on: January 28, 2023, 01:46:40 PM »
From where I'm standing, I think the shock of so many lovely things being cancelled out by a single character difficult to hold in focus.  Sometimes it seems impossible.

Experiencing the dysfunction again, the tightness in my gut, the sick feeling and memory of familiar despair pop back into focus.......and if I bought into hope....if I carry any hope it wasn't as bad as I remember....there's bound to be a bit of energy around it.

Once I have it firmly internalized....once it's living in my conscious and unconscious belief system,without doubt, all the energy surrounding the thing/belief/person/reality, ime..... goes with.

That's why buying into anyone else's opinions is so powerful.  The power comes from within ourselves, not from outside us.

Hops, I suspect you were checking your perceptions for changes and not M. 

That's how I read your response.



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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1015 on: January 28, 2023, 05:19:59 PM »
Perceptive questions as ever, y'all! Lighter, exactly what triggering or reliving stuff like that feels like, somatically. Mine is easing but I really understood that description.

I think it was probably a combo of both, but mainly a not-very-conscious test of myself. I didn't FLUNK, but did compose a kind of "what-part-of-this-emotional-common-sense do you not understand" reply before I quickly junked it. I noticed my residual anger, which bothered me for two days. Didn't hurt me to notice it.

M repeating his invitation was standard MO: repeat repeat repeat repeat until he gets his way. I actually loved his last word, that I'm "stubborn" (so similar to "resistant" -- remember that gem?), because all it meant was: "You said NO to me! This does not compute!"

My last word felt just fine. Sufficient. Off he goes to CA, I do wish him well, and my growth continues here. Might still find a geezer; one never knows.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 05:24:20 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1016 on: January 29, 2023, 11:09:45 AM »
I guess M is a good case study of the difference between people who can/want to become an equal partner in a relationship - and those who have mastered the APPEARANCE of same, in order to function in society at a less intimate level; for whatever reason, they don't have the ability to actually cooperate with another person at the emotional level. Society tends to provide alternate rewards which is a validation of sorts.

The main thing to take away from that experience, I guess, is that contact with others is needed - connection; and that you're able to be confident in your abilities to protect yourself now, Hops. I think, that's the little bit of anger you noticed - a natural response to not just, not HEARING you - but the understanding that he's not able to see things from other people's shoes. A melancholy sort of empathy, that he'll probably never "get" those kinds of rewards of being open & receptive to other people's feelings.
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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1017 on: January 29, 2023, 12:59:39 PM »
Wise and perceptive takeaways, Amber.

The first makes sense because M really is an extraordinarily talented masker. He has been performing nonstop his whole life. Where he feels most alive is in the solitude of his scholarship, and he has no limits and great success there.

I do feel empathy for him, as I did for Nmom, who was the same. Actual connection or intimacy is blocked by inability to tolerate others' pain. And buried deep, I believe he carries a lot of unrecognized shame. If he can't force others to fit his agenda, he is afraid, I believe. So he just increased his force and felt angry when I was "resistant." He's not inspired by enduring the discomfort of inner growth, because there is money, there is food, there is wine, there is travel. He spins fast, and his older age is going to be different than the endless visions of it he spun -- for himself, and for me.

My frustration was seeing what we both were missing out on. I remember my first husband quitting joint therapy. He wrote me a letter years after our divorce apologizing for that and acknowledging that if he hadn't, we might have been able to save our marriage. That was so impressive to me, and I told him I forgave him completely and was so moved that he'd sent me that letter. Healing tears.

With M, no apology or reflection or accountability would ever have been offered, because I believe he senses unaware that he would shatter. And that is very sad.

But no longer anything for me to be invested in. It was what it was and I took much too long to fully accept it.

Interesting New Year detour, or reflection. VERY important in that it showed me how I'm responsible, by myself, for not toying with fantasy, revisiting old wounds I've mostly healed from, or spending time in denial of any kind. Who knew what sending a card would trigger? I should have resisted that brief urge, but it's okay.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1018 on: February 01, 2023, 05:22:05 AM »
He's still eligible for an arse kicking from me, Hopsie, don't make me come over there!  Lol.  I do know with myself that I've sometimes got to a point with a former relationship where the nice bits are on my mind more than the reasons it finished.  Then I do what you did; I reach out because I see a funny article I know they'd like or find a photo that I know they'd appreciate.  Then their response, like M's, makes me remember why we don't do that anymore.  I think sometimes you just need the reminder.  As frustrating as it may be at the time.


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Re: Relationship/s
« Reply #1019 on: February 03, 2023, 10:32:32 AM »
I'd love to make you come over here, Tupp! We could sell tickets for the arse-kicking and schedule it at the farm sanctuary. Options for attendees:
hug a pig, tickle a sheep, watch Tupp make dents with her boots in M's posterior.
Hard choices....

You're exactly right, I was needing the reminder.
What I have to resolve next is how I feel about how much the exchange upset me.
That reveals that sometimes what I tell myself about myself isn't true.
I'm certainly over the relationship, it's not that...but dismayed at how anxious I became. Just from two or three emails! I guess what it says is that I am still vulnerable and his way of relating churns up a lot of fear and pain.

Don't need that ever again if I can avoid it. The bizarre reaction to loneliness of the last several years has been in a way increased fear of people, when being with people more is actually what I need.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."