Thanks, Tupp. Bday was quiet and sweet with an extravagant dinner by M, bless 'im. Coquilles St. Jacques, mit mushrooms...divine. It was my 70th and my consolation prize is gonna be a big party this time next year in my own back yard. Beer, wine and happy hugging people, I hope. I like bdays.
Idea? For your big tubs, since there are cheaper shortcuts to buying actual planters etc., how about: the biggest plastic trash cans you can find? You could put gravel or sand or rocks in the bottom 24+/- inches, depending on their size, then spray paint them some kind of color that works for you, even black. With the rocks and then all the soil weight, maybe they won't get stolen. Just a thought....same idea could be done with boxes, old crates, whatever. A metal animal watering trough would be great too. An old bathtub (not that I know how you'd get it home). I love gardens where people cleverly repurpose anything that holds dirt. (And even more I love thinking of elaborate back-killing complicated projects for OTHER people...ignore!)
I am avoiding my paperwork. Really trying today. Laundry's running, kitchen's tidier.