Author Topic: Health Updates  (Read 39444 times)


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #225 on: April 18, 2023, 11:49:32 PM »
Well, sometimes it's two steps forward and one-and-a-half back, really.

On my first day back at rehab as a private paying client, I was so excited I went harder (just a setting or two) and faster than ever. I was so happy, proud and encouraged. The next day, I realized I'd thrown out my back. I was in pain and couldn't return all March and around now is the first time I've been ready for just walks. (Setback at home with a horrible back-slip so there went another two weeks.) But it's on the mend and as long I lift practically nothing heavier than a dish, should continue to improve.

Meanwhile, I've had a hard swelling in my neck that I thought was just a lymph node fighting off an infection. Two years ago my then-doc sent me for a CT which showed nothing concerning. But it's gotten bigger, so the new-doc sent me for an ultrasound. The tech called that "suspicious" so next is a CT, then probably biopsy, etc. Long process I'm not looking forward to, but I'm sanguine. The heart stuff had scared me more than this does, though as the investigating marches on, that could change.

Still full of joy about friend's visit and the party coming up and spring is magnificent as ever.

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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #226 on: April 19, 2023, 05:40:44 AM »
Sorry your back's bad Hopsie, I hope it continues to improve so that you can get back to exercising again.  I hope the lump doesn't turn out to be problematic, it's such a worry waiting for news so I hope they're able to rule things out quite quickly for you xx xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #227 on: April 19, 2023, 11:25:30 AM »
Whew boy, I know the regret of joyfully overdoing physical stuff..... feels wonderful in the moment, then inflammation and trauma shut things down for a while... hard, IME.  I'm stretching every day, trying to keep and get back movement and strength.  You're wise to rest and recover.... as long as it takes: )

I'm glad you're feeling better and hopeful the investative stuff lead to nothing serious. 

Your joy with friend and upcoming party is something I look forward to reading about! 



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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #228 on: April 23, 2023, 11:27:49 AM »
Thanks, y'all. It really is a comfort to read that.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #229 on: May 06, 2023, 05:55:22 AM »
Hopsie I've lost track of timelines but if it is birthday celebration time about now I hope you are having the most fabulous time imagineable :) xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #230 on: May 06, 2023, 10:44:20 AM »
Party's tomorrow! (Actual bday was last week but animal sanctuary gathering has moved to tomorrow because it was raining last Sun.)

Can't wait to get covered in fur and various types of drool. Friends and laughter.

:)  Thanks, Tupp.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #231 on: May 06, 2023, 02:28:45 PM »
More boring health stuff --
Had the CT neck scan (nuclear) Friday and am happy I haven't heard the results. I didn't want the doc to call until AFTER the festivities tomorrow, since I don't want to be worrying.

All will be well whatever it is. Meanwhile, gorgeous setting + animal therapy!

More later on another thread.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #232 on: May 07, 2023, 08:54:12 PM »
Aw, Hops you have the best darned birthday possible... I just know you will.

That scan is goig to be OK.... I feel it in my bones.

Can't wait for drool, fur covered updates!



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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #233 on: May 08, 2023, 02:31:08 AM »
I hope the results come though promptly, Hopsie - whatever an outcome, I personally find I cope better with knowing than not knowing (although obviously I hope it's an all clear :) ).


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #234 on: May 08, 2023, 12:37:49 PM »
CT showed nothing alarming and my best grasp is I have an unexplained lump nobody but me is worried about. If it changes more -- then more investigation.

So relieved! Thanks for putting up with all my fears, y'all. I love you for caring.

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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #235 on: May 09, 2023, 03:14:43 PM »
I think most humans over 40 have unexplained "lumps" Hops. I know I do.

So glad your scan showed nothing to be concerned about.



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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #236 on: May 20, 2023, 02:38:43 PM »
Well, here's what happened. Went to the fancy ENT cancer expert and he pondered all the scans, palpated, pondered more. (He was awesome; took time and enjoyed explaining it all.) Upshot: we agreed on a diagnosis and he let me name it: Sagging Salivary. LOL.

Evidently my two salivary glands are different in size, and over time one of them has gotten perceptibly bigger (and harder) than the other. And that's it. I felt like an idiot but he was laughing over the name and seemed to enjoy our convo, so I espcaped with most of my humiliated ego. He enjoyed my inspiration story though:

I saw a clip of [edit: Emma Thompson] on a British talk show (Brit humor really tickles me). She lives on an isolated farm and has a field between her house and a stream she likes to dip in most days. One evening the cops came knocking, which was unusual. "Mrs. Thompson," they explained, "we're very sorry to disturb you but there's been a report of an intruder on your land and we want to be certain all is well. A woman on a bridge down the way saw a naked man crossing your field this afternoon."

On the show she said, "I told them sometimes I like to walk naked across the field to my stream, and my breasts have sagged so much I'm sure from a distance they might be confused with testicles. All is well."

ENT doc wants me back for a followup ultrasound in 6 mnths just to be sure, but so far no biopsy and no alarm. And I've stopped poking at my neck.

Actually I AM an idiot. But I can live with it.

Meanwhile, cardiologist has decided that I may have two types of chest pain. One will kick in when I'm stressed or even asleep (the scariest) and often mornings. He believes that is not microvascular angina. The other kind, that scared me so badly alone on a walk, is during exertion, and it would be (in that instance I should head for the ER). That hasn't happened again in the same way, so I'm going to start with snail-walks with a friend and gin up courage to rebuild the progress I lost when my back went out after rehab. I have to go see an esophageal specialist to see if there's erosion or anything else going on in those tubes that could explain chest pain at rest.

I'm determined to get some answer that is more clear. I've also requested a shrink referral to see if there is ANY ADD med that's safe for cardiac-vulnerable older people (from reading, I doubt it) and likewise, if there's anything for anxiety that doesn't depress the CNS (from reading, doubt that too--but no stone unturned).

I'm trying not to obsess but really would like to understand all this better. I know that being your own advocate is key, as long as you stay rational. And keep trying to do healthy stuff and just hope it brings results. I know I should meditate, too.

Thanks for listening to my tedious medical mysteries and worries. It helps! I have a Zoom with a distant friend and a real, in-person visit from a local friend this afternoon. Those help too. I ain't giving up. (Though my darkest thoughts when I am having breathing trouble or chest pain -- do I want to live with this? -- trouble me too. Trying with the T to get to the bottom of it all. Fear is fear and I hate it.)

Today is beautiful and I feel better than I have for days. So despite alla this, I'm good.

hugs and gratitude,
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 06:31:17 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #237 on: May 21, 2023, 08:23:14 AM »
My dear Hops...
You are being so responsible and self-caring about your physical self. Aging most definitely sneaks up on us while we're living life! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other at this, and it should sort itself out.

Funny thing about fear, it doesn't JUST paralyze us or our motivations. Sometimes, it's the best motivator! Maybe you simply need to find a way to make your fear align with your goals? I firmly believe that all the emotions have vital purpose to us. But it usually takes most of a lifetime to figure all that out; experience and experimentation.

I've been hitting it pretty hard physically, this past week. B thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared my garden dirt (and Hol & I had added a generous amount of well-aged mushroom compost last year) and our spring temps have remained well in the range where I know I can go out in the sun. Another day of physical rest & recovery (with light housework and some shopping) and I'll be filling the last quadrant with the 3 sisters... and maybe zucchini & cucumbers. I'm planting herbs, too - in and among my rocks as my "dirt" supply allows, and I do have access to truckloads of topsoil. Herbs usually aren't really picky about quality of dirt, but my shale & clay are a tad "challenging" to developing plant root systems.

Then, there are the landscaping chores. But that takes a bit more strength & stamina. I be workin' up to it!!

But, there was a bit of a Jedi mind-trick I used on myself to distract me from letting my physical resistance completely stop me in my tracks. I kept my focus on the end result I wanted - the lbs of brussel sprouts and taters, the onion braids I'll make - the bee-covered herb blossoms. I WANT this; I want the plant material to set up a still room for compounding the medicines I can make. And that keeps me working at it, putting my obsessive energy to good use instead of staying "stuck". Even when the muscles and my hands start to ache & "complain".  (Maybe you can devise one tailored for yourself?)

Yep, by Friday I was 100% "done"; stick a fork in me. Without the guys here, Hol & I had worked our butts off this past week and got a LOT taken care of, for the nonce. There is always more, later, always. But this is a good baseline to start from. We're trying to visually "clear the list" of to-dos, so we have the "space" to tackle some bigger projects when the guys are available to assist.

Too much unstructured time, for her & I, turns our focus inward and becomes justification and excuse for NOT doing. So it's more of a finding a new place of balance for both types of things. Giving ourselves permission, even.
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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #238 on: May 21, 2023, 04:13:24 PM »
Wise thoughts and examples, Amber, thank you!
I'm at the point where light housekeeping can require a rest, pronto.
But if I scale down your prodigiousness and ponder the end goal as you describe to stay on task, in very small chunks, it would serve me well.

Structure? I remember that word, somewhere...your self-motivation is awesome.

AD-ohlookabird!-D and all.

I was doing a recipe from a "Hello Fresh" box I ordered foolishly. Recipe wasn't bad and most ingredients okay, but the prep work required knife skills I ain't got and by the time I'd waded through washing/peeling/dicing three things and mincing another and finely chopping another I was so wiped out I got nauseous and sweaty and hadda go lie down. Part of that's anxiety but part actually physical, and I just haven't learned my body's new normal nor how to safely test its limits.

Thus, I have my marching orders. LEARN the new normal and SAFELY test the limits. I used to be more rational!

PS--I got the Emma Thompson anecdote all bollixed up but the real one is even more hilarious, especially her bit about the sheep. I adore her!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 04:16:35 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #239 on: May 22, 2023, 09:42:19 AM »
HA!!! I get it about the knife work. You know, there's no grade or test or judgement about HOW you chop things, especially when cooking for yourself, right? There's not even any culinary reason for most "instructions". I do what I call the "farm wife" chop - which is usually bigger chunks/fewer cuts...

a) I like to taste the individual veggies
b) by dinner time, often my hands ache so much I can barely hold the knife

Which is why it's so lovely when B offers to cook; even when I had planned to make dinner, sometimes I'm just all used up.

I used to have a lot of anxiety over cooking, back when we entertained a lot at the beach. It was the country club set and there was  no denying the reality that I WAS being judged; all the time. (That was how THEY grew up.) Never good enough because I wasn't brought up in that kind of environment, ya know? But I did accept the challenge and keep trying; some things were obviously easier than others.

I got pretty good at pulled pork BBQ; in a crockpot!  ;)  B sez he likes mine better than what we can get from the surrounding restaurants. And my chicken & dumplings almost always results in seconds. He can't eat seafood, but I do have a couple no-fail options for scallops & oysters. And I did finally make a passable Margarita Key Lime pie.

But it wasn't until I was on the mountain alone, that the desire to have fun with cooking returned. Now, I experiment  with recipes and do it "my way"... and while it doesn't always look "right", it usually tastes good. Hol has gone through her own challenge with cooking - making a lot of things at home, that are sold prepackaged with all kinds of preservatives & sugar in the stores. Hummus, guacamole, salsa... biscuits & gravy... pizzas... lots of baking (she made B a chocolate mousse cake that deep dark chocolate on chocolate & cacao that was to die for).

Most of success in cooking, is just practice. But I STILL get a lot of tension in my shoulders & upper back, when making some things... and I have to stop - breathe - and consciously relax/stretch a minute. No one's starving, so an extra minute or two in the prep doesn't matter.

Gardening is the same way, for me. Getting up & down, it's easy for me to get wobbly and fall. Or get my feet tangled, etc. I lower the bar for expectations on myself, by reminding "me" that it's not a race, I can rest or drink as often as I want, and it'll get "done"... when it gets done. I do it my way, in my own time, at my own pace. Owning all of the process, seems to allow me to focus on the enjoyment & lets me slip into the "zone"... and then it's not such onerous "work". The more I do... the more my stamina returns, the looser my muscles get (flexibility has never been an issue), and the more strength returns. Little tiny baby step by baby step.

Yeah, Hol rubs it in how much more she gets done, being 20 years younger. But last week, she pulled out & heated one of my comfort heating pads too. LOLOL.

I was gonna shop yesterday but I couldn't do some of my "executive tasks" until today - so I'm getting an extra "light duty" day today, to recover just a little more. Mother nature is offering up the best opportunity to get spring chores done that I've seen in a LONG  time. So, I can't take too long to  get my energy revv'd up again. Soon it'll be 85, and I'll be limited to working a few hours early in the morning & late in the evening.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 09:45:13 AM by sKePTiKal »
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