Thank you, Lighter...from my heart.
I really did get through this moment, and your kindness is part of the reason.
After more self-sabotaging battle, I WON it today.
Dragged myself to rehab, started out very short of breath, thinking really miserable thoughts (iow, when Pooch dies -- she's 12 -- I'm ready to go....etc. etc. and Come ON, Hops!) and by the time I was struggling away gamely on the treadmill, EMILY pops up.
She's one of the staff, hyper and hilarious (also a fellow ADHD-er) and she goes, how are you doing? So I tell her: I'm feeling some shame because I blew it last week and didn't make it here.
Well that young hyper woman rounded on me and said 12 inches from my face: Don't you go there! You meet yourself exactly where you are and you just do what is working and don't shame yourself. For any slip back you're still forward and you're doing great.
Wow. And it worked. I ended my workout with a full and grateful and happy heart and it's lasted all evening.
It's just AMAZING how just a little moment of human-to-human empathy and "seeing" and "being seen" can change literally everything.
You did the same, Lighter. Thank you.