I've had a pretty daily hour focusing on what experts, and only experts, are saying. It's pandemic and will disrupt most people's lives. The biggest concern is not How Sick You'll Feel, but how MANY will be so sick that they overwhelm the medical system.
So in a sense, preventive self-isolation (a privilege for those who can manage it) is a gift to the HERD. Our local hospital is a regional trauma center, so it's not just about how many in our city get it, it's about how many at once. With trauma, advanced cancer and other patients coming here from many regional places...we can't afford to be too late responding.
I think preparing for this is different than I usually do for an announced hurricane or whatever. So...I've stocked up more than ever before. Not crazy, but not minimal. I have the 2 gals of sanitizer etc. But also ordered several weeks' worth of frozen vegs and stocked up on rice, canned beans, soups and sardines, etc. Got flour so I can make bread. Have a huge jar of pea protein. Ordered refills and picked up my regular Rx so they're good for two months.
M and I have started a voluntary self-isolation period. We'll avoid all errands possible. I've ordered what I'll need mostly from Amazon and a local grocery delivers.
Mainly this is because he's 73 and I'll be 70 next month and neither of us is highly fit. I have cheesy lungs anyway so why? Told my T today that I also realize it's that I'm quite used to self-isolation as I do it routinely anyway! M's going to continue working on his book and I am going to try to face the domestic disorder demon, and write.
Our Univ. has already cancelled spring semester for anything other than online. They've told students not to come back after spring break and will house and feed those who can't leave, quarantined in dorms. They're not silly, they're scientists.
So though I don't feel panicked, I do feel concerned for what this will be like for folks without the comfort or safety of food income, reliable support, etc. I think I have a good chance of getting through, but people near me in this community may not. We're already mobilizing volunteers to take food to elderly etc.
I think panic and fear and anxiety are just kind of useless because we don't know how it will manifest completely. What we DO know should be enough to get folks to prepare as best they can and hunker down through the consequences.
I hope people will rediscover the pleasures of long phone calls, and reduce their focus on social media, which is poison. In terms of anxiety, it pours gasoline on embers. Even major media, I only want to check once a day. I'll pay attention but prefer Outlander at the mo!
Hugs to all, and safety,