Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 107388 times)


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« on: March 10, 2020, 07:25:10 PM »
So the school we attended last in Atlanta is closed due to a teacher passing out with the Corona Virus.  ALL Fulton County Schools are closed to be disinfected with all but 2 reopening tomorrow. 

The one we went to opens a week later... not sure why...  I guess it's to do with the incubation period and testing studen body and teachers before returning?  Not sure but it's NOT on the website.
Do we have to wait till 1/3 of the population is ill to THEN begin quarantining and shutting down public spaces where the virus spreads quickly?

OK... I just googled info on school closings and likely action SHOULD there be CV in our County or school system.


So, I had the flu in January and the girls didn't get it SO I CAN contain it... I know this for sure.

I've committed to taking the boy, with his insurance card and list of meds he can and can't take. I have a list of things I need to feel better about dealing with the virus in the house. I used up all my alcohol and Nyquil/Dayquil when I was sick, for instance. 

I took the last purchase of Tylenol Cold and Sinus to the island so have to get one of or both kiddos to make hte next purchase.  We're out of these things and the pain of flu is so bad...... it's time to replace. 

We have two bathrooms... can have one designated for sick and one for healthy.  Already chose the room where quarantine would happen, if it comes to that.  I anticipate the kids are all healthy enough to weather the flu.  I'll muddle through no doubt, and two kids can drive, if not.

I'm feeling more centered around this, but will be happy to see T in the morning.

Whoo.... I'm not so concerned anymore.  Sometimes I have to go through all the pros and cons... see the big picture, before I find my center again.  THIS is one of those times.

Still grappling with the father sending Instagram messages to underage girls. I'm on the fence about responding to him as a father, letting him know he's on the radar, giving a heads up to local law enforcement after speaking with an attorney who can make sure the right cops HEAR about the complaint.  I don't want this to just go away bc I did't hand over a bunch of evidence.  I want the guy caught IF he's watching child porn, which his dd said he's watching... or if he's sending bad messages to the kids who kept quiet about the first contact, kwim?


« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 03:17:51 PM by lighter »


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 10:09:29 PM »
Youngest dd said she wanted to shop for things on her list tonight.  We couldn't find alcohol until we got to Ingles.... our third stop.  Lots of toilet paper out of stock.  Lots of cold medicine running low at Walmart, but Walgreens was flush and had a much better deal. 

Youngest, and everyone in the house, has to commit to the xylitol nose spray if they get sick to combat secondary infections.  We each have our own bottle....  we got the last one at Walgreens. 

Everything else we have, which includes Nyquil and Dayquil, just in case.  There's some comfort food.. chips and salsa.... gf pretzels bc we typically don't buy crunchy munchy things.... but mostly things we were out of and needed anyway. 

I feel better saying yes to prolonged stay for the boy, but they know I haven't committed yet should I find I need to change my mind. If I didn't have cold and flu meds and alcohol I would have had a very difficult time saying yes.

Our Governor declared a state of emergency for our State, bc more cases popped up.... not in our exact area, but the high risk kids are being pulled out of is friends with youngest dd and just had her appendix out so she's even more vulnerable now. 

Walking around the different stores meant I overheard people talking on the phone and to companions about what to buy and why.  One lady on the phone said.... "How is toilet paper going to save you from the crono virus?"  Couples tended to have fightin words over choices... the men didn't want to buy the cold meds, etc.  The women were GETTING THE DAMN COLD MEDS!  and that was that. 

Did you guys know that a third of our population believes Corona beer is the cause of he outbreak.  I'm not sure what to say to that... but.... the company is sucking wind right now. 

I've hung the just in case foodstuffs on the pegboard in the garage.. out of sight, out of mind.

The day was mild and sunny.... just on the verge of being downright warm.



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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2020, 05:59:38 AM »
Cold here but those short blue bulbs are popping up.

So far no children have been listed as critically ill over here, or at least it hasn't been reported.

Highly worried about this. I wrote some stuff deleted it. I could go on a bit. For those who are at risk this is a deadly situation.

Sort of wish I wasn't single so I could bounce my worry off someone else. Going to finish my beer, lay down, hope I can sleep. Hope I can wake up and make some important phone calls in spite of Universities being shut down.

Most of our schools have already shut down here. Amazon is offering small businesses assistance in a 5 million dollar package because Amazon workers aren't producing the trickle down effect.

I feel sort of depressed.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 06:11:47 AM by Garbanzo »


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2020, 07:41:13 AM »

I've been following news of this virus since January. That said, it's taken a long time to compare reports and find agreement with the actual data/symptoms. I'll get to that in a minute.

But first, a word from our sponsors...
I have got to say, that my study of the media - and especially daily updates from individual countries, states & cities - creates a repetitive rhythm, a drumbeat of doom, if you will - that activates all that amygdala reflex in people. That fear is reinforced by the lack of certainty over information - generated by conflicting data, claims by "experts", "official statements", etc. Y'all remember the lessons of cognitive dissonance.

You will all do and believe as you choose. But I believe this hysteria/panic and over-reaction (state of emergency for a handful of cases?? REALLY??) is overblown. Seriously overblown. Possibly for some ulterior motive - but who would know that? Not me.

Every year, during cold/flu season (which are coronaviruses, btw) I begin staying home more and limiting my time out in public. All year long - the first thing I do after returning to the house and carrying groceries/other packages up - is to wash my hands. You know, soap & water is more effective than hand sanitizer and it's cheaper too.

I bump up my supplements; especially Vit D & C for winter.

I also stock an essentials pantry all year long - because there are times I just can't be bothered going out, or I'm too busy trying to get some work done, or we get snowed in - whatever.

Now the data:

80% of people who catch this will recover and have no lingering issues

The other 20% are people over the age of 60. Johns Hopkins puts the 60-69 age group at about a 4% chance of developing severe respiratory symptoms; 70-80 - it's more like a 14% chance; >80 is the most susceptible. Add in pre-existing health problems - even in YOUNGER people - the chances of mortality go up STATISTICALLY.

But there are many many variables involved, in who gets sick; how sick; how long they're sick - recovery vs worsening symptoms.


I repeat, y'all will do & believe as you will. But the above convinces me that I don't need to do anything any different than I do any other year. And that includes my regular trips out... that I must make, come hell or high water.

The only reason I even think about this virus - is because EVERYONE else is. LOL.


There are lots of OTHER things going on we should be paying attention to.
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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2020, 03:13:47 PM »
I'm feeling very level around the virus now. 

I didn't even bring it up with the T today.  Didn't mention I've got the boy staying with us.  Didn't mention anxiety around anything other than a child requiring medical help and I think I've thought that through.

It's a glorious spring day here... just marvelously breezy, cool and sunny at the same time.   The perfect temperature that's almost hot and almost cool but neither at the same time.   It sends happy chills through me.  I remember feeling that in Destin Fla when I was a teen. 

I'm going to pick weeds after posting about the T appointment.



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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2020, 04:35:07 PM »
I've had a pretty daily hour focusing on what experts, and only experts, are saying. It's pandemic and will disrupt most people's lives. The biggest concern is not How Sick You'll Feel, but how MANY will be so sick that they overwhelm the medical system.

So in a sense, preventive self-isolation (a privilege for those who can manage it) is a gift to the HERD. Our local hospital is a regional trauma center, so it's not just about how many in our city get it, it's about how many at once. With trauma, advanced cancer and other patients coming here from many regional places...we can't afford to be too late responding.

I think preparing for this is different than I usually do for an announced hurricane or whatever. So...I've stocked up more than ever before. Not crazy, but not minimal. I have the 2 gals of sanitizer etc. But also ordered several weeks' worth of frozen vegs and stocked up on rice, canned beans, soups and sardines, etc. Got flour so I can make bread. Have a huge jar of pea protein. Ordered refills and picked up my regular Rx so they're good for two months.

M and I have started a voluntary self-isolation period. We'll avoid all errands possible. I've ordered what I'll need mostly from Amazon and a local grocery delivers.

Mainly this is because he's 73 and I'll be 70 next month and neither of us is highly fit. I have cheesy lungs anyway so why? Told my T today that I also realize it's that I'm quite used to self-isolation as I do it routinely anyway! M's going to continue working on his book and I am going to try to face the domestic disorder demon, and write.

Our Univ. has already cancelled spring semester for anything other than online. They've told students not to come back after spring break and will house and feed those who can't leave, quarantined in dorms. They're not silly, they're scientists.

So though I don't feel panicked, I do feel concerned for what this will be like for folks without the comfort or safety of food income, reliable support, etc. I think I have a good chance of getting through, but people near me in this community may not. We're already mobilizing volunteers to take food to elderly etc.

I think panic and fear and anxiety are just kind of useless because we don't know how it will manifest completely. What we DO know should be enough to get folks to prepare as best they can and hunker down through the consequences.

I hope people will rediscover the pleasures of long phone calls, and reduce their focus on social media, which is poison. In terms of anxiety, it pours gasoline on embers. Even major media, I only want to check once a day. I'll pay attention but prefer Outlander at the mo!

Hugs to all, and safety,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2020, 08:39:46 PM »
Right Hops, Agreed. Our Senator said he felt it was his patriotic duty to lower the risk for others and reduce the shock to the medical system with the first surge of illness.

20% is still a very large number of people especially if they all start to get sick at once, there is also some issue of liability

there is definitely too many recommendations flying around, I'm getting recommendations to my email from a communication group I was part of years ago (from people I don't know).... it's too much, it pissed me off.

there have been some interesting local things going on that aren't reported until days later in the news, we are trading stories of happenings on Facebook. A friend got a letter from their car service center that someone was sick at the center when they took their car to get fixed... stuff like that. I do appreciate people keeping me updated. It is overwhelming that every source imaginable is putting out info about it though. I'm tired of people talking about hand sanitizer and toilet paper. I say wipe with a wet tampon, scrape it off... whatever, make a homemade bidet with a water bottle.

All we know for sure is that this is ramping up.

(I like Outlander too Hops but I haven't watched the recent episodes!!)

It is interesting to watch the fallout of this:
Medical centers running on LEAN management systems with no extra capacity can't deal with a crisis.
Those in the low echelons of the service industry are important to society AND they sometimes need to call in sick.
OIL value controls our stock markets, our banks etc. Do we really want this type of financial vulnerability...
Should the Fed have more control over medications, pharm, insurance etc.

Anyhow this is flaming up the weaknesses in our infrastructure that people just wanted to ignore.

Sorry. I feel like saying anything about the topic is just adding more MORE.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 08:59:44 PM by Garbanzo »


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2020, 09:13:24 PM »

It looks like we're (USA) not going to be as proactive as we could have been and I don't know where that's headed.  Just that chances for containment are slipping through our fingers daily and the testing is fubar, a money grab (I heard $1,200.00 per test for uninsured folks) and not getting to health care providers. 

And IF IT DID get into their hands.... what would be able to do about it?  Once the Virus is out there.... it's out.  We won't be able to chase patients down, bc we'll be busy deciding who gets access to ventilators.... like Italy.

I'm not catastrophizing... I'm paying attention to the scientists too, and the scientists seem pretty gobsmacked over our response, or non response. 

It's likely the 3 teens in my house would be OK if they contracted the virus, bc they're not so much at risk.... older dd has situational asthma. Youngest has weak immune system.  This boy thinks he has fibro myalgia and for sure has IBS dx.  I had 2 really bad regular bouts of flu last 2 years.  What could go wrong?

For some reason the government is demanding kids keep gathering in closed buildings... grade school, middle school and hs...... until the flu is in our community and our medical systems are overwhelmed.  REALLY?  We have to go there?  For sure?  It's in our State.  It's in my sib's communities.  It's here. 

I've decided I'll go to the lake house IF things get really really bad.  I assume brother and his kids might too.  It's way out in the country.  At some point, the kids are coming out of school. 

And...  I don't see this as "fear."  I SEE a chance to be proactive and nip it in the bud.  I see these chances slipping away daily.  Stating that out loud isn't fear-mongering, it's just an unfortunate truth.

Oh, crap Trumps reading from the monitor now.  No apology for saying this was all a hoax.  I think he must have written it himself..... finger pointing......  It's Europes fault, and Trumps the hero in his own narrative. Of course.  Friday midnight we're suspending travel to and from Europe... I think.  Some exceptions... UK an exception?

Kids are still commanded to go to grade, middle and hs I assume and what would working parents with kids do if the schools closed?   They're waving co payments for those with insurance. 

OK..... the next appointment with my T we're working on reactivity around Trump's face.


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2020, 03:28:22 AM »

God going all the way to Canada for it! Gotta do what you gotta do. They are high risk though maybe they should advocate for time off?

Two people I know right now say they "have a cold". I'm pretty sure it's probably Covid19 considering the timing. Luckily I haven't been around them.

I am feeling a bit scared with the news trying to reiterate the positive, I understand why they are doing it but there are so many people who have "underlying conditions". A few days back while I was on a walk it hit me and I just started crying because I thought shit that is myself and many of the people I know. Our news here was first telling people it's less dangerous than the flu.... bogus.

Fact is a lot of people are on some level terrified. The situation is just compounded that it's slowly growing and the plan has been vague, no medicines etc.

Call me a wimp whatever I am frightened of this. I'm happy to wipe my butt with my hand if I must but I really don't want to get this virus. If it wasn't so cold I would probably go set up a tent for a few weeks just to get the hell away.


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2020, 11:28:47 AM »
You're not a wimp, ((((((G)))))).
You're feeling natural anxiety over a big unknown.

If you do the basics and avoid close contact you stand a great chance of NOT getting it.

Isolation is hard but I think people will come together even without coming together. Just with waves and asking folks what they need, setting up phone and email trees, all that.

But truly do limit your reliance on social media if people are spreading fear there.

FDR was right: What we have to fear is fear itself.

Big waves (mental hugs),
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2020, 11:46:10 AM »
I can imagine your fears for your kids.
You are one of the calmest mothers I know, so if it's getting to you, the worry-climate is spreading faster even than the coronavirus.

Everyone I know is trying to balance decisions based on their own tolerance, loved ones' risk factors, etc. And nobody can control it perfectly.

I still believe that communities will care for each other. Near me is a street with a lot of elderly, quite a few living alone. People are on their own setting up phone trees to ensure that they have numbers to call if they need groceries, and other people will be checking on them without being called. People will buy or share groceries and leave meals on porches. People will take walks and talk with each other a yard apart, outdoors. The weather is warming so a lot of small meetings outdoors will allow friends to keep from total isolation.

I'm trying to also spend some time thinking of silver linings. Possibly:

--Going through all this together will trigger more humane and less disconnected behavior in communities

--People will be concerned about each other and less focused on likes/dislikes

--People will turn to nature for comfort, perhaps renewing interest in growing food and flowers, even on a porch

--People will turn inward to whatever spirituality gives them comfort and perspective

--People will get more in touch with gratitude, as others show caring and sacrifice

--Politics will be viewed again as the essential core of democracy, not only for blame

--People will take more seriously the primary need for decent behavior over power

I'm still an optimist.

But I'm also anxiety prone, so I'm even more grateful for the Board, and all of you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2020, 06:05:45 PM »
Well our government is afraid of uprisings, that's why they called in the militia, they aren't there to help people.


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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2020, 09:49:43 PM »
Hops, I'm glad to see you're calm about this. Does me good.

There are some long-term unknowns about this that equal massive uncertainty, so I do understand people who are anxious about it. We just don't know yet. We'll adapt and adjust.

I think we'll all get through this and looking back - we'll wonder what all the excitement was about. But then, I'm able to take the media onboard - while still thinking about the probabilities involved in the content purveyed. I've always been ruthless that way.

It's not a catastrophe; just more waves of life to surf. Turbulent waves... but we'll rise above.
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Re: The BIG V
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2020, 09:43:55 AM »

The med shortage is scary and hats off to your kids for being proactive.

Clean away, but watch yourself.  It's so hard not to touch our faces...I really think stylish people cones could be big.
