That's what I've been grumbling about Hopsie - life for us at the moment isn't that different to normal because for us, the Covid situation is quite similar to our normal life - ongoing, daily health issues, not being able to socialise, not being able to go out to work, having to avoid certain situations and people and so on. We are going out a bit less than usual now, but not an awful lot as we didn't go out much anyway, and when we did it was stressful - because son's health problems need to be managed all the time, every day. They're not potentially fatal like Covid is but they're very real, very present and very damaging if not addressed and properly managed. The way I see it is that the general population is being asked to live the way that millions of sick and disabled people already live, temporarily, and some are happily and willingly doing it, even though it's hard. But some are really not happy about it and yes, are talking about their freedoms with no regard for the freedoms of people with pre-existing conditions who, quite honestly, are looking at possibly a year, maybe longer, of having to shield. I'm adjusting my mindset to two years of living like this now. I think it unlikely they'll have a vaccine any time soon and if they do, I'd still want it to be in general use for a good while before son has it as it won't be tested on people with an atypical neurological set up, for obvious reasons. So I'd want more data and information on it before he has it in case there's any risk of it exacerbating his existing problems. It's going to be a very long haul for us and at the end of it - we'll just go back to being skint and staying in all the time, unless there is a big shift in society's attitudes to everything and the focus moves to quality of life for all people, not just those who are fit, healthy and wealthy. I'm trying to channel constructive attitudes and actions, I think - not Pollyanna positive because it annoys me, but useful things I can think, say or do to improve our situation and get us through this as best we can.