Well you guys are all doing the right thing; unfortunately I've come to the conclusion that there are just too many stupid people in England. Although we are officially still in lockdown, the beaches are packed, buses and trains are full, one family was stopped doing a 440 mile round trip to go to the beach. Petrol stations and food shops were supposed to be open for essential supplies only but it's abundantly clear that many are ignoring that and just doing what they like. The number of recorded deaths today is lower than it has been, which is good, but the infection rate is up, hospital admissions are up, three hospitals have closed their doors to any other patients because they've no more capacity for any incident at all and we are at .9 where I live. If we get to 1 we are back to epidemic level again and if we go over 1 we are in to NHS being overwhelmed level. The number of ambulances going by is up; you can hear the sirens.
I understand, completely, loneliness, isolation, not being able to go to work, not having enough money, not being able to go out, see friends and family, all of those things, I truly do. I can understand the fear and worry of your business going under or of losing your job. I get that for a lot of people catching this will be no worse than flu and they'll be alright after a couple of weeks.
What I don't understand is no regard for the people who are having to work through this and exposing themselves to risk every day, no heed given to the 63,000 excess deaths recorded in the last three months, 10,000 people dying in care homes who didn't even have adequate pain relief, and absolutely no regard for the estimated 6 million people who are vulnerable and are looking at staying inside for the rest of this year and possibly longer. All because people want to sit on a beach.
Anyway, son and I are staying in. We won't be doing our daily walks for a while again now; I want to see how bad the infection rate gets again and what happens next. I have been stocking up on food, fortunately, and have a food order coming tomorrow and will put my order for the following week in straight after that. So frustrating when we've been in lockdown for so long anyway, a few more weeks could have really kicked this into place.