Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 108219 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #450 on: December 17, 2020, 04:41:19 AM »
I think what's been interesting here is that this is the second big 'thing' we've had that hasn't had a clear political slant.  People from both main parties were for and against Brexit, and people from both parties have been for and against restrictions (too many or not enough, depending on your point of view).

I've found it interesting that there have been a couple of media personality types who I usually don't even listen to as I find much of what they say irritating who have, for me, done an outstanding job throughout the Covid thing.  Similarly I've got several very left wing, hippy, off grid type friends who think people like myself and son should just stay inside for a few years so that they don't have to wear masks, whereas other friends (who I avoid talking politics with as we have polar opposite views on everything) who have been staunch defenders of the elderly and disabled and think we should have locked down and stayed locked down until it all went away.  I think maybe the old style way of doing politics has just had its day; perhaps as we are now a global community with so many different races, religions, cultures etc living alongside one another maybe having sides just doesn't work anymore?  Perhaps we need something more like a really well run admin office that just keeps all the wheels turning and big decisions about major policies get put to the vote each time?  I'd guess in this day of technology we don't really need polling booths and voting boxes in the same way now?  Who knows?  It certainly feels more divided than it ever has in my lifetime, perhaps social media is a big role in that?  For now, I am making like Skep - keeping busy at home, being kind to myself and others where possible and just hunkering down (although without the snow or a moat, although I've always fancied a moat!  They just look like fun :) ).  This too shall pass and all that xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #451 on: December 17, 2020, 08:54:31 AM »
What I find terribly SAD and dysfunctional...

is that all of us have said so far we can't talk about politics - because of the intensity of the duality. The "Us and Them" mentality. There are a lot more perspectives/perceptions than duality.

We're (as a society) making ourselves "voiceless" to avoid being in conflict and working to find a way THROUGH conflict to unity. I see many people making similar choices right now; the sense of risk and danger in choosing, is very high.Or so they've expressed.

The way I came to that observation was by writing/self-censoring my own rant and expression of disappointment and my determination not to contribute to the cacaphony. And then deleting it.

I'm not at all sure my choice is going to be effective or safe. My simply "dropping out" of society (again). Refusing to participate in what I feel is an absurd, juvenile and ultimately abusive political "game" that we are all being persuaded is in our interest to "play". There isn't anything to "win" playing that game - for me.

My choice, isn't for everyone. Everyone (in my reality) is capable of and free to make their own choices. Those are my rules around the farm - yes, there are consequences of those choices; even for me. The rest of the world is going in another direction where it's acceptable for gov'ts to force people into the gov's "preferred" choice.

This lifelong non-conformist, says sorry - I don't want to play that game.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #452 on: December 18, 2020, 05:02:09 AM »
Yes I see what you mean, Skep.  Do you think it's the internet that's contributed to a lot of this?  I just find there's so much information now - online, on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines etc - that it's overwhelming and I feel I've had to make my world a lot smaller in order to cope.  I do see increasingly a difference between the online world and the 'real world'.  People in 'real life' seem to me to be more middle of the road?  open? to other people's points of view.  Less argumentative/certain they're right/do it my way or not at all.  The internet seems to have made things very black and white - maybe because of a lack of context or personal knowledge of people?  Too many voices about too many different things, maybe?  It's a shame.  I think you said in one of your other posts that the potential for great things was/is there with the internet but it's been misused or mishandled and is becoming a bit of a beast of burden instead.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #453 on: December 18, 2020, 08:13:14 PM »

You have a good point. I will have to think about this later when I have more time. I'm not sure what the best route is.

I think most people could agree that there is almost way too much information available because people can self-publish on the internet. So YouTube stars, influencers, blogs and so forth are places where opinions can be voiced and that is their right but also some of these people have more popularity than experts, authors, researchers, professionals. IDK

Sometimes I feel like if i try to stop myself from having an opinion I give myself a little more peace? It seems like we are all required to opinionate about everything and having an opinion might be a stand in for real involvement and action or work. Having an opinion allows a person to feel like they are involved in something or have some kind of power of being included with a larger group but really maybe opinionating is a cop out.

I could seriously discipline myself to have no opinion, go and volunteer cleaning up hiking trails or something (if I could get there) and that miniscule effort might be worth more than an opinion. Is there a psychological effect of having an opinion that makes a person feel as though they are involved and actually doing something.. Is not having an opinion the same as non-engagement. I don't know.

At the start of this year not having an opinion was actually my new years resolution but it didn't work out, I forgot about it, it went out the window with my school papers etc. There is almost an idea that non-having an opinion is the same as being dumb, and having an opinion is "smart"  Having opinions is fine there is nothing wrong with it exactly but I wonder if there is more emphasis on people having and expressing their opinions because of the internet connectivity. IDK

In any setting I also think opinions are regulated and expected. In my school I think a liberal opinion is expected in almost a brain washing sort of way. You know what, it's pretty rare that there are every exercises in listening... lots of exercises in thinking, researching and expressing but it's practically only like couples therapy where any person is told their job is to listen.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #454 on: December 18, 2020, 08:22:31 PM »
Here in Washington State where I am at the vaccine shipment from the CDC was reduced by 40% with no explanation from the CDC. Our governor broadcasted his frustration and dismay publicly. He called it an unexplained "glitch" so I am not at all surprised by this, it was inevitable really to have many vaccine issues. Thing is this is our government, the military and national guard was at times even said to be involved in distribution etc.

So WTF.  With such an anticipated high level procedure, how could there have been a glitch. I wonder if the Republican run CDC is still holding some grudge against the liberalness of my state. Earlier on in the pandemic there were some choice words between Trump and our Governor. Anyhow who knows.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #455 on: December 18, 2020, 10:01:50 PM »
Is there a psychological effect of having an opinion that makes a person feel as though they are involved and actually doing something.

I think you're right about that, Pseudo.

Armchair warriors. (I'm one, blush.)

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #456 on: December 19, 2020, 12:57:13 AM »

Me too I mean I am just as guilty/hypocritical of being an armchair warrior. I'm just saying maybe there is a mass culture of armchair warriors because of the internet? Maybe even laziness. Ya know, path of least resistance.

I mean I also agree with Amber people should be able to discuss stuff too. I guess some of it might come down to the depth of discussion. Listening to authors discuss their books even political books is interesting because some of them go so deep into a topic.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #457 on: December 19, 2020, 12:12:19 PM »
Nodding, Posh.  I do remember talking to someone about sharing things on Facebook - does it really help or are you better off doing it the old fashioned way, standing in the street talking to people and handing out leaflets?  I used to do quite a lot of campaigning, protests and so on - much less so in recent years as taking son along became problematic.  Deeds not words and all that. I do feel it's better to go and knock on your elderly neighbours door to check they're okay rather than talking about how awful it is that the elderly are all alone on social media.  I think it's quite addictive, though?  I find myself scrolling through things even though I've massively reduced my online time and shut my social media down.  I still find myself scrolling through comments at the end of news articles and so on.  What I have noticed is that almost everyone I know does everything via social media now - so I miss out on a lot of what's going on.  Once upon a time we'd have all phoned each other to pass on the information - now it gets posted online and if you don't read it you miss out.  So I miss out on quite a lot.

In other news, restrictions have been increased here.  There is a new strain, apparently, more infectious than the existing one.  Possibly as much as 70% more infectious.  Our particular area hasn't been restricted further, they've focused on the areas that are worse, but plans for Christmas have been reduced and people told not to travel etc.  Son and I watched the briefing together and he impresses me so much - when you consider he has severe learning disabilities, plus all his other health problems and he sat through it, I explained what was happening and whether or not it changes anything for us personally (it doesn't at the moment) and he just takes it all in, asks a couple of questions, checks which places are being locked down on the map to make sure it's not our area and then tells the cat she's still okay to go out :)  Lol.  We're having fish and chips for tea; I'm still dieting but I feel like we need a bit of cheering up for the evening :) xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #458 on: December 19, 2020, 03:16:06 PM »
I looooove your son.
What an amazing companion.

Kin I borry him?

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #459 on: December 19, 2020, 04:26:48 PM »
Mouse - I think almost anything can be discussed, but the "rules" have to be:

1. everyone is entitled to their opinion, perspective and perception

2. because of #1, it's a statistical given no two people are going to agree on everything so....

3. no one is going to be able to persuade, influence or even disapprove another into agreeing with them... which therefore eliminates the competition for being "right" or else, "wrong"

Sadly, it's the rules that have been forgotten or even discredited.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #460 on: December 19, 2020, 05:31:19 PM »
I agree with all-a y'all.

And I think social media/internet are a huge part of it.

Meanwhile, when I ponder all the points all have raised,
I just think it's about civility and goodwill.

If we shore those up, lively debate can be had without the poison.
Right now, the whole culture is fighting off the poison, and scared.

I think that can change though. We need to recover trust in each other
as societies. One little encounter at a time.

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #461 on: December 20, 2020, 12:57:28 AM »

That's cute about your son & cat checking on Covid maps.

I did hear about the strain over there but not a lot of details on it. I guess there was also a Spanish strain that popped up a while back. Sigh.

I'm not really sure what is happening around the world with Covid, I read tidbits. Apparently in California specifically Los Angeles the Hospitals have come to maximum capacity, it's what politicians have been so afraid of and trying to avoid.

Also I do know what you mean, the idea that one is missing out because EVERYBODY is on social media.

Today my power went out for a bit because of a windstorm and so I was sitting with a camp lantern and I texted a friend, we ended up having a phone call and catching up finally. I'm really glad that happened because I've been meaning to call her but just not doing it.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 01:03:25 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #462 on: December 20, 2020, 01:14:06 AM »

That's cute about your son & cat checking on Covid maps.

I did hear about the strain over there but not a lot of details on it. I guess there was also a Spanish strain that popped up a while back. Sigh.

Also I do know what you mean, the idea that one is missing out because EVERYBODY is on social media.

Today my power went out for a bit because of a windstorm and so I was sitting with a camp lantern and I texted a friend, we ended up having a phone call and catching up finally. I'm really glad that happened because I've been meaning to call her but just not doing it.

It is cute, Posh, the cat always looks as though she's listening and very onboard as well :)  Lol.  Yes, I think we've lost a lot because of social media.  I feel the lack of phone calls very acutely, even though it's been happening for years now.  But I don't like telling all sorts of people what I'm doing and having people I don't know very well read it (as happens on social media) and again, it's about context as well.  I speak to different people about different things in different ways - I can't write something on social media that fits the way I talk to everyone, you know?  I'm glad you got to catch up with your friend.  It's good to talk!  It's worth making the effort, I think.

Yes, apparently a new, more infectious strain, which apparently they've known about since September but decided to just watch it spread for two months.  It has baffled me that the infection rate didn't seem to be dropping despite just having had another lockdown and people taking precautions.  I guess if it's more infectious that would be why.  Oh for a Government that had taken it seriously at the beginning, put a proper, science based plan in place and proceeded with caution.  New Zealand suffered 25 deaths and were pretty much back to normal in a few months.  I know they're much smaller and more remote than we are but even so - we could have done this a lot better.  I just woke up feeling terribly sad for all those people who are really battling with this at the moment, whatever the reason for it is.  So much worry and heartache.  It's a sad time.

Hopsie, he'd really make you laugh.  He's so funny, but also so sensible as well.  It really brings it home to me; people often assume people with learning disabilities are a bit daft but he really isn't, he just needs to take in the language in a different way and have a bit of time to work out what's going on and compare it to something else he already understands, so it makes sense.  He was a bit concerned because the headlines everywhere are 'Christmas is Cancelled' but I told him he'll still get his presents and he's instantly fine again lol.  Speaking of which, I need to finish wrapping because I can only do it when he's asleep which isn't all that much when I'm awake!  Lol xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #463 on: December 20, 2020, 01:27:14 AM »

About that new strain. 

Agreed, it's a sadness that either hits from the front or the sides and if not that way slowly from the back via dreams.

;) Have fun wrapping.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 01:32:43 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #464 on: December 20, 2020, 08:21:33 AM »
Ah, I couldn't read all of the article because of my ad blocker but yes, from what I read, it seems they know a bit but not too much.  It's weird - I'm sitting here looking out of the window at the moment and everything's just normal.  It's sunny and raining at the same time, the birds are flitting about, someone walks past the house every now and again.  Normal Sunday.  But if I switch on the news or look at social media (which I'm purposely not doing!) I know it will show me that the world's turned upside down.  It's just such an odd situation to be in xx