Author Topic: Change of pace for a little while  (Read 1586 times)


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Change of pace for a little while
« on: December 06, 2020, 12:46:50 PM »
Hi y'all,
Finding myself easing into that kind of hunkering-down mode that comes over me annually this time of year. As years go on I've gotten more confident in taking my own approach to the season--avoiding triggers online or off, family topics, decorations, baking, anticipations etc.

I'll still be posting here for SURE (could never keep my yap shut that long) but just wanted to mention I may be responding a good bit less regularly than normal. It won't mean anything other than I'm doing my cozy-solitude kind of stuff, which is my best way to pass through this month and into the NY. At which point I always feel some sense of newness and hope.

Hope EVERY possible "happie" comes to each and all of you.

Much love and endless peace,
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 01:26:58 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2020, 02:09:22 PM »
Thanks Hops....
I think what ever you feel is right for you......
So much of my life was being told by NM  or nuns at school and not thinking on our own
what feels best...........
Life  can be misleading at times depending on who were our older teachers in a sense some good and some so off off off
It's hard for me this year with Bill dying......but he loved Christmas and Thanksgiving
That is what I need to remember.
Bettyanne xoxo


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2020, 09:52:22 AM »
I get it Hops; I'm doing that too - with daily shifts as the Christmas Kitchen Wench to make my variety of stuff for goodie "care pkgs". Doing some personal review/journaling on topics... seeing Hol for a chat other than logistics maybe once a week. We do txt more during the daily - silly stuff. Or borrowing stuff back & forth.

B won't be able to be here till after his D goes back to school in Jan. They're doing all online exams, so they get a nice long break from T'giving to the New Year. But the chances of him being able to stay longer or be here for good go up, after Jan. And I need to make room.  ;)

Mostly Hol & I are too lazy to even visit each other - and I think it's helping me regain my own internal motivation. Cooking, keeping up with dogs & kitties, tending the woodstoves/splitting wood; she's still sorting the Hut out... I'm trying to plan spaces here too.

And the absolute LAST thing I care about keeping up with is the news, so I no longer spend much time with that. I WANT to spend time in other headspaces & feelings than being frustated. LOLOL.

I wish it would snow.  ;)
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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2020, 05:51:12 AM »
Hopsie, I hope the next few weeks are cosy and comfortable.  I am seeing in my mind's eye you and Pooch, snuggled on the sofa under soft blankets, with a list of films, box sets and books to meander through, some nice snacks and hopefully some crisp Winter days for nice walks and a bit of socially distanced waving at people.  I hope you're able to check in from time to time so we all know how you're getting on xx xx


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2020, 12:37:14 PM »
Hops, I hope you have lovely backyard visits and nice wintry walks with pooch.  Step back in when it feels right.




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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2020, 08:56:25 PM »
Thanks ((((Tupp))))) and ((((Lighter))))!
AND ((((((Bettyanne))))) and (((((Amber)))))!

I'm still peeking in daily. Just not writing much as
when December rolls in, I feel a kind of folding-inward,
if that makes sense.

It started with protecting myself from holidays pain,
but has become more like a response to December. I've
realized my best way to get through the cold and dark is
to focus mostly on childhood spiritual experiences of this

Dark. Still. A star. Peace on Earth (within me if not outer).

I find myself still able to enjoy some of the formerly-religious
but now just ... spiritual vibes of the season. For me, nothing
to do with family or gifts or gatherings, just the deep core of
hope and love and peace.

I rediscover beloved music (subtracting the theology) that
still moves me tremendously. I reconnect with reverence,
that wonderful shard of religion I still can experience, even
as my agnostic self. I just make myself be quieter.

Here's a video I have sent out every single year. It moves
me no less this time than the first time I ran across it.

I don't think or believe or say "holy" in my regular life.
In dark still December, I remember.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 03:22:13 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2020, 12:15:19 PM »
Cocooning, Hops :)  I think this time of year is a natural one to draw inward.  Modern life tends to discourage it.  I'm glad you've got those deep connections and that you can take what helps and leave what doesn't.  Enjoy the rest and the peacefulness.  I'm sure Pooch enjoys it too :) xx


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2020, 01:19:41 PM »
Thanks, Tupp.
I do feel peaceful.

A lot to be grateful for since nearly
ten years ago when holiday periods
were pure hell. I've taken the time back.

I'm having December, and so far I like it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Change of pace for a little while
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2020, 06:55:02 PM »
I keep hearing this song I'll be home for Christmas.....if only in my dreams.....
Well it makes me cry because I know Bill isn't going to be home......ever again.....
But I will try to do the best I can to make it through Christmas etc

Sometimes we just gotta do what feels best to us at the time....

Happy ????? what ever you want it to be....