Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... solitude.
It is still a wonderful thing to me. Even at the price of taking care of H&S's dogs.
I have done a whole lot of NOTHING this week, except to let everything in my head bubble up - look at it - and either make decisions about it or let it go. Maybe those two things are more similar than I think they are.
I'm sleeping. LOTS of sleep. Again - wonderful. It's slowly having an effect on the massive "tiredness" I experience daily. I'm still "doing" of course, but very low level stuff. Haven't even picked up B's jeans to work on them again.
And yet - I noticed I'm all of a sudden super-chatty. Uh, whut's that about? I think it's ancient, in terms of my being conditioned into a support-role in the FOO. My wicker basket I hide under is getting pretty ratty by now. See, me being me - and letting that shine out - and just BEING - is kinda the "last" taboo on the list. One that by now, should've (in my way of seeing things) been eradicated by now.
I think "hiding my light under a bushel basket" is how I resolve my inner conflict - over wanting to HELP and yet, being aware of my own needs, limitations, boundaries, etc. So that taboo is bubbling up now in my awareness - now that there are long stretches of quiet again; no one is coming to me with their drama; and my time isn't full of "OPPs" - other people's problems. Even B is being quiet right now, after I called him out on being anxious & in a hurry to get moved here.

I can feel it, in some weird sense, day & night. That won't last long. He shifts gears so fast & often, it's hard to keep up. But that keeps life interesting.
My day today is all shifted, since I slept in till 10 am. But that's OK; I really wasn't sleepy till after midnight last night. Not that I was actively engaged in anything... just being. It will be OK; I can't get into the post office till 2 pm anyway now - they close the lobby between 1-2 for lunch. Yeah, life in the country.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee. Doesn't sound exciting; not like the previous ramblings about riding motorcycles anyway. But this is just as thrilling to me. More deeply satisfying and tending to my "self". Yeah, I have housework to do. The temps are dropping and I've let the outside stuff slide till now - but it's been raining too. And I have a chance to not even worry about the stuff on the list, that "isn't done yet".
OKAY THEN.... onwards.