Wow, Tupp. Reading your dipshit step d never thanked you for a card created quite the reaction in my nervous systtem...bolts of white hot rage BAM!! It rolled over and past me quickly, btw. Knee-jerk reaction still alive and well.
About people being damaged, Amber, or using their trauma as excuse to manipulate without responsibility.....
I have to believe most people are born innocent. I had this discussion with my T a while back and in her opinion it's trauma hammering us out if shape.
If some of us can't change that shape, bc the necessary self reflection and understanding is too painful/shameful/'s still the trauma what broke them all the same.
It's difficult not to witness harm and harmful people without judging them, for me. My reaction to Tupp's SF is an example unlikely to change.
But something happened to him. His life was altered. Maybe he identified with the monster, if there was a monster. Something.
I just can't go through life discerning who's broken in likely to recover ways and who's not.
People do better or they don't. They'd BE better people, if they had all the choice, imo. It can't be easy being a sick criminal hiding in the dark, waiting to be outed. Terrible way to live, at least from my perspective.
My.....I won't say struggle, but there's some difficulty taking my energy back from people who enjoy duping delight and harming others for giggles. That has the potential to take and hold my attention w/o distraction.
THAT is beyond my ability to comprehend....likely, bc I'm a good target for them, but also my protective nature stands right up and prioritizes it. I want everyone to be ok. I used to lend the benefit of the doubt freely.
Not anymore.
Show me who you are and I'll believe you.
The mystification of family systems, put in place when a child's survival depended on a dysfunctional FOO/abusers, etc is a scorching hot puzzle for them to work through, esp for folks who neeed everyone to be ok.
People peddling through life in survival mode, hanging on by their fingernails trying to sustain a FOO story around abusers and dysfunction are enablers, sure. Is there malice when they enable ongoing harm? Likely not, but people continue to be harmed just the same.
Protecting abusers....enabling them is sometimes more upsetting to me than watching the abusers do what they do.
Under it all, everyone sustains trauma, is shaped by it to some degree, overcomes it or doesn't.
I don't have to make complete sense of it to know my job is to limit or avoid the harmful people. I don't have to give second chances. I don't have to be nice.
How I deal with the harmful people, I can't avoid, is the real question for me. Giving up on them, while having to interact with them, is taxing.
Does it matter why they can't do better if they can't do any better? That's one of those discernment things I don't have to figure out.
Adjusting my expectations, radical acceptance, releasing the need to protect, change, heal people and situations....that's my focus now.