Still no great "breaking news" around here. Which I suppose is a good thing. No plans yet for that old fabric Lighter. B is still here; he's had weekly follow up appts. to adjust the dosage on the painkiller delivery and a mild reaction (infection) to the surgery. The first pump fill is scheduled for early Sept, so he doesn't want to drive back to his house, only to turn around a week later and drive "home". It's been a month and this pump looks to be staying in place. Incisions are healed well and we think he's on his final adjustment for his normal pain levels. He's sleeping MUCH better, I can tell already. And longer; less restless.
So, there is plenty to do around here for B. He's just finishing repairing & getting Helga ready to get inspected. Hopefully she passes this time, 'coz the Almanac is predicting one of the East Coast's more "normal" winters. Hol's old 70's road warrior doesn't do well in snow.... and it too died on a grocery run last week. Much more minor problem, B thinks - delayed maintenance on Hol's part and she will assist so she learns how. S isn't around much this whole month so she's home holding down the fort.
Rudi needs brake pads and spacers to keep the big wheels from rubbing; my normal jeep still needs a sensor & an oil change. I just realized the jeep is gonna be 10 years old next year (and still has less than 50k miles on it) and Rudi is going on 20.
We found an actual shoe repair shop "over the mountain" and B had two old pairs of his favorite boots resoled. He's a very happy boy! I may try to clean up my rockies to take over there and see if they can be saved. They're 30 years old and have hiked the canyons out west and hand dug several gardens. Nothing new feels the same as well-broken in boots.
I'm trying to convince Hol that she doesn't have to be stopped cold on her landscaping projects & greenhouse, just because S isn't here to help. We can help her. I know she wants S's participation but she is also understanding that, in the name of progress (and the usual household domino phenomenon) that compromises have to be made. We'll see what she comes up with for a decision.
Trying to find a way to give raises to shop employees, the end of this year and raise the dividends a little (to cover the obscene taxes) at the same time. Social Security shorted B a month's payment over some clerical error too... so his budget is tight right now too.
I've heard nothing else from the roofer and last time we talked, he pushed my job to Sept because he's so busy. All because he didn't remember I had picked a color for the steel.

Getting chimneys cleaned next week so Gabe doesn't have to work on a hot metal roof. And wood splitting/stacking is on the list for the next couple months. I've got to go pick tomatos this morning before the big garden gets ripe - I'm trying a new heirloom variety: Siberian. They're a bit smaller than a normal salad tomato but way earlier. Taste test comes later.
B and I are getting lots of time together... and it's very FUN. We're working out the usual old people quirks - the idiosyncrasies of how we do things - now. And that's going well. We're not so stuck in our ways we can't adapt. And MOST of the time, I still have plenty of covers at night!

No news this week on my mom. Bro has been fighting for dialysis to continue and that she be allowed more time to sleep/recover from the strokes. Docs want to move her to hospice. I've said my say and have tried to give him someone to bounce ideas/feelings off of and support him. I felt like I needed to put at least one thing down for a bit - and it was this, for this week. My guy in charge at the shop, is going in for back surgery next week and will be off for a couple weeks - and soon to transition to part-time. His replacement has been managing just fine on his own for a bit, so chances are there's a road trip in my near term future. Meet the new bookkeeper and start working on relationship with guy who'll move up. Can't say I'm really looking forward to that drive - but if I take B with me, we'll do a little sightseeing along the way. Before the snow flies, maybe.
New kitty has settled in with the other boys to become part of my pack of guard cats. They've been terrorizing the moth population out in the yard... LOLOL. Stinks still has the most impressive jump but his belly is very round now since B spoils all three with treats.