Author Topic: acceptance is the hardest part of this-I wish I walked away  (Read 1276 times)


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acceptance is the hardest part of this-I wish I walked away
« on: February 18, 2005, 01:31:54 PM »
Longtire, thank you for our conversation.  It helped alot.  I want everyone who gave me posts that I thank you for your words.  In  my mind I want to see the woman I met and promised a future.  I want to see the woman who seemed to care.  I realize now that a woman who is healthy minded wouldnt have done everything she did to me.  I guess I seek blame on me because I am guilty of not reading a card she left me in June which in my mind makes believe I could have saved this relationship.  I have to accept the fact that reading the card would have saved it for a time, but the underlining issues of bad behaviour would have presented itself later.   I hate this way of thinking because the people I care most for always seem to feel the need to freak out and think nothing of it.  I am sad inside because Deena has the ability to be intelligent work her field, but she doesnt have the ability to give herself in an intimate way.  I realize after reading the posts that is my attempts to get closer are what make her push me away.  Its just so hard to understand, but I gave 100% to us as a couple.  I had business meeting I had to attend, but I never left her without her thoughts.  The idea that I give 80% of me and she feels its ok to give 20% shows me that there is a problem.  She told me once that her parents told her never to trust a man to take care of her.  I should have realized that was a red flag along with alot of others.  I am not crazy or stupid.  I am just somebody who wanted to beleive the words because they met so much.  I talked with my neighbor and she indicated that my ex would not let her or anybody else she knew hang out with us because she didnt want her friends taking away from us.  She later told my friend that they were no longer friends and she told her to get lost.  The point I am trying to make is that I see the pattern now of the inconsistant behaviour you all speak of.  I am sorry I didnt.  I am too busy trying to understand why anybody would disrepect me with porn on Christmas and the meaning of the holiday itself.  I realize now that during all the holidays that were loving in nature, she slapped me.  I just when I walked away that I stayed  I went back because I didnt want to be a failure to a person I loved.  I loved the womean I met, not the animal she has become.the issues I have must be codependancy.  thanks again I am finding my way thru this.  I still just keep praying that this a bad dream and I will wake up.  take care.  I pray we all make it thru.  If anyone ever reads this in the future, just know that she is out there and she will take your heart from you chest step on it and feed it to you with a spoon to make sure you realize you were nothing to her.


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acceptance is the hardest part of this-I wish I walked away
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 01:40:20 PM »
Good for you, Brian.  You still hurt.  That's ok.  But you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel (and no, it's not the headlights of an oncoming train!)
Fantastic.  Take the night "off", rent something funny and be nice to Brian.  I've said from the are a nice guy.  You are waking up, yes, and from a bad's not the other way around.  You, without her= wonderful.


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acceptance is the hardest part of this-I wish I walked away
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2005, 03:14:27 PM »
I still miss the woman I met and had for the first year.  I still hurt so bad inside because it felt real.  All I know is that I still feel so guilty inside because I wanted to be spontaneous with her and make her feel special.  I just wanted to bond like we were.  Now its over and I feel bad because she couldnt be mature enough to understand or at least ask me what I ment if she misunderstood.  I know regular women dont freak like she did, but damn it I wanted us to be together.  I cant beleive this dream.  I cant beleive that she cut my throat.  I sit alone knowing she feels nothing and it hurts because she just kept pushing me away everytime I got close.  Someday it will go away, but man it hurts.  I know its not my fault I just dont understand what more I could have given.


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acceptance is the hardest part of this-I wish I walked away
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2005, 04:25:40 PM »
Another thing that I did was convince myself that I was the cause of the problems.  That way, I had the illusion of having all the control and I didn't have to face the end of a relationship I was not prepared to face yet.  I wandered around trying everything I could think of to save the relationship, but nothing worked.  I finally realized that nothing worked because they are her problems, not mine.  I can only work on my own issues, not anyone else's.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)