I am trying to leave him.
Six weeks ago, he blew up at me in front of my 20 yr old son. He had been working on building a new rental building. His next big money maker. A woman was going to rent 1 of the spaces in this bldg for a hair salon. Can you imagine the attention he'll get there?
I have done his bookkkeeping since I met him, my son has worked for him for 2 years also. I have ALWAYS had to remind him of all financial responsibilities. As I mentioned earlier, he's not very good at handling money. If it were not for the lies he told the bankers, they would never have given him the loans they have given him. His favorite saying for any of his ideas "It's a no brainer" Which can make you feel like an idiot for a moment if you don't agree with him. He can actually talk to bankers this way, and get away with it. It amazes me.
One day I reminded him to make sure to charge the owner of the hair salon for some special doors she wanted put in. I no more than made the comment and he said "You just think I want to fu## her" He then, for the first time ever, threw papers at me and stormed out. I was in shock, as was my son. We walked out, and trust me, I never wanted to go back. My son kept saying "Mom, you didn't do anything, is he bi-ploar?"
I then started to wonder, WAS he guilty of something with her? Or was he still mad at me for not borrowing him $2000 a few weeks earlier. (Yes, he gets a huge construction loan from a bank, and can't pay his bills) I knew he had to meet with her a lot with the bldg project. I also know, of course, that he LOVES attention. I really never thought he'd act on it though. My intuition won out (not to mention his rage in front of my son), so I swore I'd never go back.
Five days later, he called. He wanted to see me. He looked like a hurt puppy. He asked if I was still mad? (I of course, never showed anger that day, only shock). He begged me to come back. And even though he still denied any blame in what had transpired, I went back.
Last week things escalated again. He was lying about little things. Things were looking suspicious with this other woman. My son was even noticing.The thought did cross my mind that he would try to make me jealous so I would be extra nice to keep him happy. In the past, I unfortunately would give him money, use of my car, whatever he needed if I felt our relationship needed mending. He'd have a way of making me feel like I was a heel if I didn't help him whenever he wanted.
I'd had enuf. I told him I had to end things between us. It was if he would not accept it totally, he thinks we are only seperating for a short time, while I SEEK COUNSELING for MY problems.
It's been 8 days. You will probably still see me refer to him as if he is my current BF yet. I saw him today for a few moments. We talked a little. I'm started to flood myself with good memories-but I know I can't go back. I will try to keep my eye on these posts to help me through..........