Dearest (((((((((Bridget and the gang)))))))))
I wish you didn't live with your mother. I wish you didn't have to interact with her so much. It's not healthy for you.
{TO BRIDGET'S MOTHER (in case she reads this): your wonderful, lovable daughter is NOT YOU. She is her own person. She has a right to her own life that has NOTHING to do with you. Let her go. Let her be own person, without your baggage. It's your stuff - you deal with it and you'll benefit too.}
Bridget, she's your mother, she's supposed to be the adult, you're the child here. If she can't be a mother to you, that doesn't mean you have to mother her - nature doesn't ask for that.
Nature wants you to live your own vibrant life. You are not your mother and she is not you.
Personally I refuse to die for my mother! I refuse.

I will live, no matter how difficult, how sad, how demanding it is. It's all we have and that's good enough reason for me.
Take care of your self Bridget, you're so valuable. keep talking, love, Portia