Hello Guest,
Thanks for your honest, heartwrenching, vulnerable and daring post.
It takes real guts to reach out like you did, much more bravery than
suicide would be. THis is a safe place. I come here to read posts but
don't post often.
I am a 50 year old woman whose N parent told me
that I wasnt emotinally stable enough to have children. I took their
advice and sometimes regret it. I now know they are were just projecting their own dislike of having children. I sometimes feel desperate pain
about all the lost years when I spent most of my time doubting myself.
You are not alone. I too had a N husband and numerous N boyfriends.
There is hope in finding out all about them and how to avoid them.
At least half of all therapists are Narcissists. Please try to find one who
is not, and who can validate you.
What stops me from suicide is not wanting the N's to get the better of me.
They are not worth running from. Better to try and ignore them. Seek out
your own bliss, even if you are alone. My best companions in life have
been my hobbies, pursuits, books, interests. I hope that you can find some relief in my post. If not just disregard.
We all speak from our own experience, and each one of us is different.
And valuable. That includes you.
Your writing is powerful. Maybe try writing poetry?
Reaching a hand back to you.
Another Guest