Author Topic: Emotional battering  (Read 13934 times)


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Emotional battering
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2005, 08:50:32 PM »
Hi October,

Sorry I just noticed I didn't sign my post up top about my crummy lawn. :oops:

Gives me a chance to give you another hug though. 8)




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Emotional battering
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2005, 09:50:52 PM »
She should eventually get more resilient, as she recovers

She will!  I did!  Sometimes your body speaks when your voice cannot.  Of course, in someone so young, it is confusing but it can be a powerful ally in the future.  I'm responding since the same thing happened to me when quite young as a natural reaction to living with stress.  Also, hives!  OMG....there's hives and then there's contact hives....It's quite embarrassing to have these red splotches on you.  But it's all your body's way of saying HELLO!  something's going on here.  I'm not a doctor and do not dispense medical opinions...just I picked up on this.  On to gardening....Bittles


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Emotional battering
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2005, 05:39:44 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous

Pathological gardening.  :lol:   8)  :lol:

Too funny!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


You not seen this one in DSM IV?   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Its right alongside pathological reading of the complete works of Charles Dickens.  You start at the first book, keep going until you get to the last one and then start again.  Go on, ask me anything about CD, anything at all.  Lost count of the number of times ...  Takes about four months in total.   :shock:

And when I get bored with that (which frankly doesn't take long) I read through all the other books on my shelves, and then go back to CD again.

However, very worried today.  Actually tidying the spare room.  This is getting serious!!!!!   8)


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Emotional battering
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2005, 10:16:36 AM »
Hiya October:

Is your house going to be one of those places where you can eat off the floor? :D  :shock:  :D

Come to think of it, I have a pathological-sewing problem, sometimes.  Just don't look at the floor then because the bits of fabric and little balls of thread will blind you! :shock:

However, very worried today.

Want to talk about it, if all that cleaning doesn't help?  If not, maybe another bubble bath is in order??




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Emotional battering
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2005, 03:01:53 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Hiya October:

Is your house going to be one of those places where you can eat off the floor? :D  :shock:  :D

It might head that way if I get some more bleach.  Ran out after cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen.   :lol:  :lol:

Come to think of it, I have a pathological-sewing problem, sometimes.  Just don't look at the floor then because the bits of fabric and little balls of thread will blind you! :shock:

 :lol:  I used to have that one too, when C was small.  She had new dresses every other week.  Beats taking to drink or drugs, though.  :lol:

I was only kidding about the spare room really.  Bit like when you get round to tidying the garage, or putting stuff in the loft that has been lying around for months and months.  Fortunately I have not quite got there yet.  Amost, but not quite.  However I only did half the spare room then went to lie down.  Ran out of energy, and into depression.  Pretty normal.  After reaction stuff.  It will pass.   :)

Thanks for caring.  (((((((GFN)))))))


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Emotional battering
« Reply #50 on: May 03, 2005, 04:11:11 PM »
Hi All,
Do any of you have a pathological urge for wallpaper removal? :?   If so, I could really use you about now.  I am scraping the paper off my daughter's bedroom walls and I have never encountered paper this stubborn before.  My neck and shoulders are killing me and I'm only about 1/5th of the way.

Just thought I'd ask.  :wink:


PS If you don't want to do wallpaper, you are always welcome to clean. :!:


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Emotional battering
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2005, 04:28:44 PM »
Hey Brigid,

I'm there with you in spirit.
Does that help any?  :?   Didn't think so.
Sorry I can't drop by and help. Really. No kidding. Scout's honor. :roll:



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Emotional battering
« Reply #52 on: May 03, 2005, 04:57:24 PM »

I'm there with you in spirit.

Yea, that's what they all say.  :roll:   You'll be sorry when my shoulders are so sore that I can't type anymore. :(

All kidding aside, it would be lovely to have the company. :D


Stormchild Guesting

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Emotional battering
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2005, 05:08:11 PM »
:oops:  :oops:  :oops:

Brigid... have you tried using a steamer? The kind you use to get creases out of clothes when you travel? Sometimes they help.

The oopsie faces are because I'm sure you started with that... but figured I'd rather mention it and feel silly, than not mention it and feel unhelpful.

The other thing that really works for me when trying to remove stubbornly adhesive things is the following, which I typically sing to a tune I think Mozart wrote:

Let GO, you b*****d!
Let GO, you b*****d!
Let GO!
Let GO!
You b*****d, let GO!


Chorus: Oh, damanblast it just let GO!
Oh, Damanblast it just let GO!
Oh, D & B it just let GO!
Let go..... let GO!

(back to the verse)

You can get a good rhythm going with it and pull the paper off in time to it. I wish I could remember the title of the piece this goes to, it's pretty funny if you get the right tune.

Good luck!!!

PS come to think of it, this wouldn't be a bad lullaby for N exes, either.


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Emotional battering
« Reply #54 on: May 03, 2005, 05:24:42 PM »
Hi ((((((((((Brigid))))))))))

I didn't have a steamer when I did it, so I just sprayed the paper with hot water from a squirt bottle and let it sit awhile.  The paper scraped off quite easily after that.  It was only one layer though.  I'm no expert so I quit now. :oops:  :D  :oops:  :oops:



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Emotional battering
« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2005, 05:38:28 PM »
Hey Brigid,

I'm with Stormy on this one... p'raps singing said lullaby TO hideous b*****d of choice? :twisted:

Much love and positive vibes,




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Emotional battering
« Reply #56 on: May 03, 2005, 07:13:20 PM »
You are all so sweet to offer your suggestions.  

I've have tried the steamer route in past wallpaper removal experiences and I'm am not a fan.  A real pain in the a$$ if you ask me.

I am currently using a solution that claims to be "the best available wallpaper remover."  That is a lot of BS unless this paper is attached with superglue.

I think the best suggestion is yours Stormy.  A lot of cursing, swearing and pretending I am removing my H's body parts rather than wallpaper. :twisted:

Love to you all  :D



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Emotional battering
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2005, 05:18:53 AM »
Quote from: Brigid

I think the best suggestion is yours Stormy.  A lot of cursing, swearing and pretending I am removing my H's body parts rather than wallpaper. :twisted:

Love to you all  :D


Wish I could come and help - I think a bit of wallpaper removal might be fun!!!!!!!  All I have done in the past is to use lots of water, and if there is a plasticy type layer on top, take that off first before soaking, because the water won't go through it.  Maybe a wire brush to break the surface first, if it is too hard to remove, to let the water through.  Then lots of hard work.  I love how nice wallpaper looks, but I can't understand people who put one layer on top of another.  Weird!!

I am toying with the idea of redecorating my bathroom.  The rest of the house (inside, that is) is fine, but the bathroom is looking a bit sad. Hmm.  Maybe next week.   :lol:


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Emotional battering
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2005, 08:34:36 AM »
I did use a wallpaper scoring tool before applying the solution so it would soak in better.  I used to own a VERY old house (built in 1847) and they had applied layers of wallpaper on top of one another.  (I removed 7 layers in the dining room and some that had been painted over in between) so I have LOTS of experience.

This house has tons of wallpaper in it and most of it is OK, but my daughter's room is an ugly gold plaid which is not pleasing to a 16-year-old.  I promised we would change it right after we moved in, but I just haven't had the energy to deal with it.  I don't now either, but I feel badly that I have not kept my promise and she has never been able to decorate the room the way she wants.

I'm enjoying my coffee now and avoiding getting started again. :x  I wish you were close by too. :(



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Emotional battering
« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2005, 09:30:16 AM »
Hi October! Since I'm catching up here, I'm going back to the original topic. Such a horrible situation for you and C!  :cry: I was impressed by the way you dealt with it though! :)  8) I have a slight touch of what you've got (don't like leaving the house on my own, once I'm out I'm usually o.k. though, but not so ten years ago, when I was with xN, going to Tesco felt like climbing Mount Everest), so I can imagine what guts it took for you to call the hospital and xH's GP. Anger and feeling that this is something that you have to do help though, don't you find? Oh, and I think you are being a wonderful mother to C, handling the situation beautifully, I wish I had had a mother like you. When you told how you validated C when she saw her dad put alcohol up his jumper really moved me. Take care and hope you get to get out today (good thing you have a garden to go out into), it looks like it's getting to be a ´nice day, at leats here up north.

Oh, wallpaper! When we took down the awful mirror squares in our hallway back home, we found that the previous tenant had been to lazy to wallpaper behind it, so there was a big square of flowered wallpaper behind it! Good thing we had already bought a big mirror to go there!
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage