Hiya Write:
I am trying to make light of it, but it was the most hurtful thing that's happened so far: suddenly not knowing whose reality I was in not just for myself and a n, but for a load of people I hold dear.
That crazy feeling again. Not only do these people act weird and make us feel crazy, but they look normal and convince others of how wonderful they are, just like they did to us to begin with, and.....
wait a minute.....maybe that's it?? People fall for their junk because they don't like with the N and know his/her real self. Maybe they, deep down inside, don't really believe us???
Bad enough to endure stuff from and N, and then find the courage to go on, after the relationship blossoms with some other poor sucker......but then to think our friends don't really believe what we've been through???
Write. (((((((((Write))))))))))). It hurts to see this behaviour in our friends....to witness him looking like prince charming while we frogs sit in the sidelines and watch all our friends admire his fine attire.
That's all it is, Write.....attire. He's dressed up.
He's got his mask on and his normal suit...so he looks......regular.
As soon as he gets home......he takes all of that off, a little at a time, and eventually....it will be clear what is really underneath it all.
Still.....it hurts. Friends are supposed to back us up. Personally, I don't need friends who don't back me up, believe my stuff, share my pain (not just my joy--which I share lot's of). I admit.....it's a choice. Friends can be just a social interactivity or a source of deep, emotional connection and real relationships. Does that American thing extend up here to Canada?
I can't say. I think you have a right to feel whatever you feel Write.
And I think you have given yourself the answers by:
1. Avoiding further opportunities for Mr. Prince to play in the same room as you.
2. Possibly, re-evaluate some of your friendships and re-organize into subgroups---those you feel a real connection with who support you, those who are just interesting/fun/entertaining to be around, and those who qualify for neither group.
Nothing wrong with those two plans. Good for you, as a matter of fact!!! You've found solutions that sound reasonable and doable, if you ask me. I would only add:
3. Maybe join some new activity/group/whatnot and see if you can widen the horizon....meet new people.....maybe even a new friend or two? Build something new into your life?
Hope you are feeling better Write.