Forgive me for not reading the whole thread. This may have been mentioned. Fear of disease keeps me from one night stands. Sure it was great in the 70's, pre AIDS. But I am too chicken these days.
Looking back, I would have to say that one night stands were never satisfying in the long run. There are other ways to satisfy your sexual urges that dont involve drinking and swapping DNA with strangers. I think, one night stands, do a number on a female head in general.
Through my own experience, I firmly believe that women are generally hardwired to seek intimacy while men may seek sex. I believe for women, once sex occurrs there is a emotional and mental shift, whether we want it or not. Our shift is toward the nesting/nurturing end which may not be actually possible or even appropriate with a one night stand. Becuase of this, we are often left to pick up the emotional pieces after a one night stand where men may have an easier time of shifting gears from "sex only".
So the short answer is, It's not for me.