Actually I thought that I'd receive a 'shit storm' of critisism for writing what I did! Perhaps it would be because I was being a tad too direct it what I wrote, but honest! Anyways, chicken has yet to comment....even in disgust at me

, so I won't speculate further on her issue until she has.
I was somewhat suprised to learn that 'Write' had picked up upon what I wrote and started this thread. As I wrote above, I thought everyone would slam me for it, even if I think it's today's real world. Forget the morals of what our forefathers have brainwashed us into believing....today's reality is far different!
Once upon a time and not so long ago, we men were being castigated for drinking and generally whoring around, bed hopping! We did so because we could. An ever growing band of available girls allowed us to do so. But then was all about the male woolf seeking out the few, but vulnerable sheep (innocient girls with a few too many beers inside them). Today things have become reversed and intertwinned so much, it's hard to see who's driving the situation.
Women are far more liberated and on mass, have adopted what was previously the male domain. It's ironic that having once critisised us so much, they are pratically behaving if the not same, much worse! In saying this, I don't refer to all women, but there is an ever growing segment of female society who are progressing down this road. There used to be a time when men would be excussed on the grounds that they were: 'having a little bit of fun before settling down'.......but this has been not only adopted by both sex's, it has been substantially developed upon.
It was taken for granted a womans virtue would be pretty much intact.....with a few mistakes, before marriage. The guy would probably have knocked around a bit, but he would have been forgiven. Such was the male dominated way of the world then. Now marriage, if at all, happens much later....and multiple. So more often than not, both parties involved have a multitude of sins that they are more or less, keen to hide, and not always with the same sex! It's essentially accepted that neither party will be innocient and both possibly as bad as each other in what they've got up to previously.
So when I read what 'Chicken' wrote, I felt sorry for her on the one hand....and bemussed on the other! She is living in today's world as a single woman whilst bemoaning the passing of yesterdays era. It's very difficult these days for us all to have our 'cake and eat it'! Gone are the days when I would look at my girlfriend comfortable in the knowledge of knowing I'd been the 'only one' and vica-versa. Things have changed soooo much.....and it's a unisex world! About the only thing that would shock me still today would be in knowing that my girlfriend had had sex with an animal......anything else would be a given!
And it's to this end I write. There is not difference anymore between us men and woman! Everything is fair game and equal. Whatever we do as individuals, is available and open to all! And it's against this back ground that 'Chicken' is really trying to drink from what was once a lake, but now a puddle, in a scorched earth desert. She bemoans to lack of availability of what once was and accepted!
Sadly I think, there is a growing acceptance that ones relationship can best be compared to a 'time share' arrangement without an 'end' date agreed in advance. We universally hope for the best, but prepare quitely for the worst.....which in nearly 50 percent of cases.....becomes so! I also feel that the legal boys and girls have added yet another dimension. Not only do we live in the knowledge that there is an even chance that things will fail in our relationships, but that the law tends to be lop-sided against the male in settlements and access!
So about the most honest relationship a man can have with a woman these day's is those mentioned by in earlier replies. Live your life as an individual and financially independent. Provide for your future exclussively on the bases. Interact with women.......but from a friendship point only. It may involve sex, it may involve 'one stands', it may involve you being celebat. But all of the above are honest and equal.....both parties get pretty much the same out of it!
I know this sounds cynical....but it's becoming very much the norm! 'Chicken' is livng in the past.....a past that's no more and stacked against her. Why would I as a person settle for one partner.....with the likelyhood of trouble and strife, pain and financial loss, when I can scoot around on the surface, taking charge of my life and living an equal existence. OK it lacks depth, but with depth comes the 'ownership' and 'control' issues that often lead to sooo much pain! I know it's more shallow....but less financially and emotionally damaging!