Author Topic: one night stands  (Read 15140 times)


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one night stands
« on: June 21, 2005, 11:58:13 PM »
I have absolutely no advice for this. If you're using sex to find a life partner.....stop! If you find yourself being talked into bed on meating a guy for the first or second time, walk away. Re define your goals and remove 'screw me' from your forehead  Sounds harsh, but the more desperate a girl gets, the more obvious and easy to take advantage of her it becomes!

Take up rambling and join a group......doing something completely different to what you normally do......and keep your knees  together

I'm quoting from Resolution in another thread, 'cos it got me thinking about this.

Do you think a one night stand is always an unhealthy experience?

I am definitely not up for a big relationship for a while, but sometimes I want to have sex...and I'd choose a brief fling or one-night stand over a half-assed relationship any day!

I think so long as you're not fooling yourself that it's any more than it is ( and it's safe sex ) I don't have a problem with it.

What do other people think?

mum as guest

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one night stands
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2005, 02:17:14 AM »
Interesting topic, Write.
 I have had my share, in my day, and I cannot say that  it was healthy in any way for me. Perhaps it fed my ego, to be noticed, powerful in a sexual way....but egos are never satisfied.  
Just that I did that, for me, was indicative of the very unhealthy place I was in.  I look back on it with sadness and regret...but that's just me.  Live and learn, though, it's not like I stress over it now, I just realize what it all meant.
I really don't believe there is such a thing as sex without emotion....and if there is, I don't want to be a part of such sadness.  I was married and having sex without love.....and that was damaging enough for me to know.....


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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2005, 03:07:50 AM »
Hi Write, Here is a plan -I am in Australia 'down under' and I have no plans for tonight. You wanna take my testesterone for a test drive ?
Maybe a little cyber sex ? But would you respect me tomorrow ??



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one night stands
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2005, 05:21:58 AM »
Hi write,

I liked your post.  Very earthy. I've a close friend who I was discussing this exact topic with on the weekend. She's a single mum for 8 years and she loves it. She got divorced and loves being free with her kids after loosing herself in 4 years married to an alcoholic gambling addicted-to-prostitutes husband. She tried having boyfriends but it affected her life with her youngish children because she found the men to be a bit demanding and kind of jealous of her relationship with her children. Plus her ex would get hostile and sort of try to interfere and mess things up if she arranged to go out. So now she is having and testing a few (safe-sex) one-night-stands on weekends away from home, and is finding it quite satisfying liberating after being owned for years by a man who totally abused her. Ad that she is also a very 'christian' woman. Honest, caring and kind. She's become self-employed over the years and is quite financially independent. This is all new for her. And she told me she likes it at the moment because she feels in control of her life for the first time in her life. She's happy and doesn't want a permanent relationship because she wants her children to not be worried about having to deal with a step-father at this stage. She has her weekends free becuase they still go their father so she has her one-night-stands on the weekend. Even though I was initially surprised, I found myself encouraging her because she is so happy with her new life. She has her principals and makes sure the one-night-stands are single men and from within her 'girlfriends' network and kind of 'known commodities'. Not strangers, as in dangerous psychos. So I'm thinking about her, "Hey, why not"! She is enjoying the experience. And who are they harming?  I can see that, as she said, she's beginning to feel alive and attractive again after being married to man who made he feel so very ugly and unssatisfying. He always justified spending their money on prostitutes. He complained that one woman could never satisfy him. "All men crave variety". Also, he needed prostitutes because he was in the army and he 'had to'.

There you go. That's my input to the discussion.

Guest for today

PS - Jophil - 'R-e-a-l-l-y, YUK! '.

Dear John,
You and your testosterone just wouldn't do it for me. What do you say write? He's all yours. :D  :D


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one night stands
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2005, 07:44:26 AM »
:lol:  Actually I thought that I'd receive a 'shit storm' of critisism for writing what I did! Perhaps it would be because I was being a tad too direct it what I wrote, but honest! Anyways, chicken has yet to comment....even in disgust at me  :shock:, so I won't speculate further on her issue until she has.

I was somewhat suprised to learn that 'Write' had picked up upon what I wrote and started this thread. As I wrote above, I thought everyone would slam me for it, even if I think it's today's real world. Forget the morals of what our forefathers have brainwashed us into's reality is far different!

Once upon a time and not so long ago, we men were being castigated for drinking and generally whoring around, bed hopping! We did so because we could. An ever growing band of available girls allowed us to do so. But then was all about the male woolf seeking out the few, but vulnerable sheep (innocient girls with a few too many beers inside them). Today things have become reversed and intertwinned so much, it's hard to see who's driving the situation.

Women are far more liberated and on mass, have adopted what was previously the male domain. It's ironic that having once critisised us so much, they are pratically behaving if the not same, much worse! In saying this, I don't refer to all women, but there is an ever growing segment of female society who are progressing down this road. There used to be a time when men would be excussed on the grounds that they were: 'having a little bit of fun before settling down'.......but this has been not only adopted by both sex's, it has been substantially developed upon.

It was taken for granted a womans virtue would be pretty much intact.....with a few mistakes, before marriage. The guy would probably have knocked around a bit, but he would have been forgiven. Such was the male dominated way of the world then. Now marriage, if at all, happens much later....and multiple. So more often than not, both parties involved have a multitude of sins that they are more or less, keen to hide, and not always with the same sex! It's essentially accepted that neither party will be innocient and both possibly as bad as each other in what they've got up to previously.

So when I read what 'Chicken' wrote, I felt sorry for her on the one hand....and bemussed on the other! She is living in today's world as a single woman whilst bemoaning the passing of yesterdays era. It's very difficult these days for us all to have our 'cake and eat it'! Gone are the days when I would look at my girlfriend comfortable in the knowledge of knowing I'd been the 'only one' and vica-versa. Things have changed soooo much.....and it's a unisex world! About the only thing that would shock me still today would be in knowing that my girlfriend had had sex with an animal......anything else would be a given!

And it's to this end I write. There is not difference anymore between us men and woman! Everything is fair game and equal. Whatever we do as individuals, is available and open to all! And it's against this back ground that 'Chicken' is really trying to drink from what was once a lake, but now a puddle, in a scorched earth desert. She bemoans to lack of availability of what once was and accepted!

Sadly I think, there is a growing acceptance that ones relationship can best be compared to a 'time share' arrangement without an 'end' date agreed in advance. We universally hope for the best, but prepare quitely for the worst.....which in nearly 50 percent of cases.....becomes so! I also feel that the legal boys and girls have added yet another dimension. Not only do we live in the knowledge that there is an even chance that things will fail in our relationships, but that the law tends to be lop-sided against the male in settlements and access!

So about the most honest relationship a man can have with a woman these day's is those mentioned by in earlier replies. Live your life as an individual and financially independent. Provide for your future exclussively on the bases. Interact with women.......but from a friendship point only. It may involve sex, it may involve 'one stands', it may involve you being celebat. But all of the above are honest and equal.....both parties get pretty much the same out of it!

I know this sounds cynical....but it's becoming very much the norm! 'Chicken' is livng in the past.....a past that's no more and stacked against her. Why would I as a person settle for one partner.....with the likelyhood of trouble and strife, pain and financial loss, when I can scoot around on the surface, taking charge of my life and living an equal existence. OK it lacks depth, but with depth comes the 'ownership' and 'control' issues that often lead to sooo much pain! I know it's more shallow....but less financially and emotionally damaging!


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one night stands
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2005, 08:25:13 AM »
Hi all:

Hot topic!! :D :D  

Sadly I think, there is a growing acceptance that ones relationship can best be compared to a 'time share' arrangement without an 'end' date agreed in advance. We universally hope for the best, but prepare quitely for the worst.....which in nearly 50 percent of cases.....becomes so!

It is sad that there is such a high percentage of cases like this (I don't know the numbers but I'll take your word for it).  I think what might be going unnoticed here though, is that the other half of the cases are... not doing the time share thingy.

I think it all narrows down to priorities.   If one's priority is to seek gratification without committment, that's ok because we do all have the right to choose.  For those who will settle only for the opposite of that, I say, that's ok because we do all have the right to choose.

Personally, any sexual relationship, without a deeper emotional connection, that I have experienced, has left me feeling empty and just as longing afterward.  It's not the sex I crave so much as the intimacy...the deep emotional connection with another human being.   Knowing that person is expressing something more than just physical stuff....feels like the difference between.........

renting something or buying it.  

Renting is good for some people because the responsibility for so much belongs to the owner.
Buying costs more but is often more than worth it in the long run but it does carry a lot more responsibility and some people aren't ready for that.

I say...if you're not ready for that.....don't pretend you are and don't feel guilty for it either.  Go ahead and rent.  However, if you find yourself envious of others who are buying.....then it might be time to consider doing so.

Buyer beware applies!



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one night stands
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2005, 09:01:21 AM »
I could find myself getting into  choppy waters here over the so called 'Battle of the Sexes' on this one. In the end, if both involved are: open, true, equal and honest.....even if things become weird......then maybe there's a fighting chance. I suppose it's all about accepting, understanding and appreciating the other......inlcuding loving!

However in a great many instances, I really believe that the reasons why a couple are together are because of lies, conflicting and yet hidden agenda's. Whether hormonely driven by oestregen or testosterone, I feel that individuals often offer up a kind of 'Harlequen' style image of what either we'd like to see....or they'd like us to focus upon. Either way, the flip side is often far removed from the other.....and nowhere near so nice or the truthfull!

The more relationships we've entered, the more expert liars we become. 'Chicken' risks not only being a victim of others, but also of herself. 2 plus 2 equals 4.......and not 54. It's amazing how the human mind can miss the obvious and hike after the improbable, so easily and so often!


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one night stands
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2005, 09:31:38 AM »
I don't think a one-night stand is always wrong or going to mess up one's life. It could be a poignant or healing experience depending on the situation. If one-nighters are the MAIN avenue for getting close to someone, there is a problem. If one-night stands are done to desperately get someone to CARE, that is also a problem. If it's to exploit or use someone who really cares about you, that is wrong. But if two lonely people get together like ships passing in the night, and are nice to each other, then I don't have a problem with it.

And jophil, you sound like a fun guy and I would respect you since I already do.  :)



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one night stands
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2005, 09:32:53 AM »
P.S. I meant SINGLE people having one-night stands only.



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« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2005, 10:01:28 AM »
Well, we have jumped into some deep waters here.  :shock:  I was watching the Today show yesterday and they were discussing the whole phenomenon currently going on of "recycling" old relationships. (Although I think it has been going on for some time)  Women tend to do it more than men because they feel they are returning to something familiar and somewhat safe.  In many cases it is just for sex, but sometimes people are trying to rekindle something that was once there.

I get the sex part, especially if it was particularly good, but I think it rarely goes further than that.  They are ex's for a reason, after all.  Mum is one of those rare occurances with her fiance.

Sex without emotion is difficult, particularly for women.  I will admit to a couple of encounters since my separation, the reason for which is long and complicated, but I make no apologies.  Did it destroy me emotionally--no.  Because I went into it knowing there would be no lasting attachment.  I think I have gotten that out of my system now, however, and any future relationships will need to be meaningful and with thoughts of the future.

I choose to think of the future in terms of once again being in a long-term relationship when the right person comes along.  After 2 failed marriages, many people hang it up and say they would never do it again.  I guess I think the third times a charm and I would hate to think all this therapy was done for nothing. :?  And I know you all would say it is being done for me and I get that, but I also strongly believe that it is being done to allow me to finally find the love of my life.  Otherwise, all this love and passion bubbling inside of me would be wasted and frustrated.

Jophil--if I'm ever in Australia, I'll look you up.  :D



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one night stands
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2005, 10:12:53 AM »
I was watching the Today show yesterday ...

So tomorrow will you watch today's show?

 :D  :D  :D  :D

Just gave me a giggle Brigid! (heehee) Thanks!



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one night stands
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2005, 10:21:10 AM »

So tomorrow will you watch today's show?

Nothing gets past you does it?? 8)   Well, at least you got to it before the Mudman did.  :roll:

How does your garden grow? (I though I'd leave out the Mary, Mary part)  Mine is beautiful right now, but I'm having to water a lot.   Enjoy your day.



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one night stands
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2005, 10:32:35 AM »
Hey Back Brigid:

Nothing gets past you does it??

Quite the opposite, sometimes I miss the point completely.  Like...I didn't get a thing outta your post except to notice the mix up about today, yesterday and that got me thinking about tomorrow.....and off I went into never never land....

I didn't get a thing outta your post except to notice the mix up about today, yesterday ...

Not true at all.  Just kidding about that. ( :D ) It was a very deep water post!

How does my garden grow?  I think by the process of osmosis and photosynthesis or something..iss.

Photosynthesis?  Isn't that like taking a picture while synthesizing your weed pulling, dirt turning, water/feeding processes...all at the same time?

Never did get that one down pat.  :roll: Oh-oh...there I go again....wandering away again.  What was I saying?

Wait!.....back to the original topic!  Sorry for the silly highjack!



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one night stands
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2005, 10:40:44 AM »
Sorry Bunny, but you express that it would be 'OK for two sad and lonely people' to do the 'one night stand' thing. Bunny, people today don't need some higher powered or moral justification to get their rocks off! It's not some dirty experience that needs to be concealed anymore! People engage in the activity for fun.....recreational reasons, or just for the hell of it! Why not if it's 'safe' and doesn't hurt anyone!

We 'network' people at work and there is a growing wave of people doing the same in their bedrooms.....or wherever for that matter  :wink:  We don't have to moralise doing so anymore 'less we be struck down' by the Lord God almighty himself! We are human.....and in being so, we make mistakes.....get it wrong......get it life and learn!

It's only if we mislead or represent ourselves in order to ensnare another into sex that causes problems! Or in having sex behind a lovers back; deceitfully causing emotional damage that is also wrong. Not because it is morally, but because it ain't fair......but then again, who ever said life is fair anyway!!

A 'one night stand' is not a contract for life. It's a mutual experience, hopefully enjoyed equally and practised safely. It is also an opportunity to expand upon a circle of close and like minded people who can support each other to a degree.....but without the crap that goes with the instituation of marriage! Good that it can be......I seldom heard from anyone these days who are having a stress free marriage!  

Sex is also a great way of producing ones on seritonin and adrenalin to boot. So when we're at it, we are also self medicating  8)  thus saving our respective health services a ton of money in counselling costs! Make love,not war....and don't forget to use a rubber! :wink:


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one night stands
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2005, 11:28:11 AM »
Weeeeee Resolution !  Got me Spinning!

the crap that goes with the instituation of marriage.

Any chance of rephrasing that?

Are you serious?

Your choice may be to just do it but please consider that not everyone shares your choice and some actually engage in the activity within a caring, sharing, honouring institution of marriage, which they hold dear, not as some moral justification, but as cherrished.

Just because you haven't experienced it....doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  You're cutting your chances by labelling it as loaded with crap, imo.  Ofcourse, I respect your right to decide that but I feel like cringing to know that you really believe it, if you really believe it.  The beauty can always change your mind, if you decide to sometime.

There is hope for a real connection with someone that is more than just a fun night, for lot's of people.  Fun nights are ok and lasting connections are also ok, maybe even better, if they're healthy.   The trick is not picking someone crappy and not acting crappy, to avoid such crap.

I will keep you in my prayers. :D