Thanks for all the replies. They truely helped me understand the difference between an N and I. I now realize that, even with the possibility of my father being an N, I am truely not. I have learned more about myself in the last few days than I have ever learned. All of a sudden, after doing some simple research on the net, everything started to make sense. You see, my problem is a little different.
I have one other sibling, my sister, who is a couple years younger than I am. When we were younger, in the grade school years, I used to bully and tease her a lot, as I'm sure a lot of children that age seem to do. I would tease, get punished, tease, punished, etc. I had an extremely low self confidence, and a pretty low self esteem. Eventually, I learned about the 'white lie'. I could exaggerate a fact, or just plain make one up. I could tell my parents "I didn't do it," and found myself able to get away with a few things. I would do this once in awhile (not quite compulsively), but would feel extremely guilty afterwards. This guilt would create a mess and struggle in my head. I felt I could blend in easier when I lied, or stretched the truth, even a little. My father always seemed to have these high expectations for me, and I wanted to meet them to preserve the general "flow" of things in my house.. such as my parents' happiness with me. I would always tell myself that I need to stop doing these bad things I was doing and getting away with, and felt there was something wrong with me. I felt myself becoming trapped inside a shell of lies, almost like a shield keeping the world from finding out any of my imperfections. Maybe now you can see why I started reading about being an N. I had built up this image of being such a great son, doing nothing wrong in life. This is when I started pushing my parents away from me. Lying, or bending the truth, around my parents hurt me so much that I would rather push them out of my life than have to give them a lie. I would stay in my room or in the basement all day minding my own business. When I had friends over, I wanted my parents to stay as far away as possible. My dad would make me so angry when he would come talk to my friends. He would ask the nosiest questions and just talk excessively in general about things my friends had no interest in. I guess I figured he might just find the real me if he looked hard enough. This would go on for years and years. I would not lie to everyone though. I would lie mostly to my parents to get out of things, and to any authority figures I felt I needed to. I would not lie to my sister, or to my best friend (I admitted to him last night the one lie I told him last year), or to my friends in general. If you think about a lie on a scale from being 100% lie to 0% lie (absolute truth), I would always try to lie as close to the truth as possible. This is because I would feel so much guilt that I would lay there in bed at night trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I would go on being sad for long periods of time, but I would not let anyone know. I felt that everyone went through similar times, and I had no right to complain anymore than any other person. I enjoyed being the good friend who would listen and offer good advice. I would wear a mask that people felt comfortable with. I believe that the reason I didn't completely lose it is that I knew there was something wrong all along, but I always seemed to blame other things when I felt this way. Very few people knew the real me. My sister, my best friend, maybe one or two others in my life.
That's basically how it all started. And now I sit here admitting it, not only to myself, but to my best friend, and to you all. Tonight, I am taking my mother out to dinner where my best friend works. My plan is to tell her what I have done; to show what I have learned, and that I am deeply sorry for any harm I have caused. More than that, I want to show her that I am not ashamed of who I am, but proud of what I have now done. My past may not look so great, especially in a society quick to hate a liar, but now I know this: my future holds no bounds. I can turn this creative monster into a creative masterpiece. I finally feel in the driver's seat of my life, and I;ve never felt better. I feel a return to an "old" me, one who is fun, honest, and loving. I am now taking a mental tally of every little "mistruth" I tell (and I realize that everyone tells one here and there), but I feel that I am much more aware that way of a mistake I could make. I would like to say "I will never do this again.. I will never do that again.." but that can only be seen in time.
Thank you for being so supportive through my new findings. I hold you all in my heart, and that's no lie.