Author Topic: Deciding on divorce (long)  (Read 10918 times)


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Deciding on divorce (long)
« on: July 16, 2005, 09:28:40 PM »
I feel really alone with trying to decide whether/when to divorce my wife and would like some "company" here.  I would be grateful for your discussion, experience, questions, book recommendations, "sitting shiva" or prayers and good thoughts.  I am in one of those uncomfortable "in between" times.  I know it will pass and I will figure out what I need to do, but it is hard for me to hold on amidst the loneliness in the middle.  I think of this place and people here first when I need emotional support.  I really need to vent this all out instead of keeping it inside.  And I need a safe place with safe people to do it.

I believe that my wife has Borderline PD and cannot tolerate either intimacy or abandonment, so bounces between the two berating me all along for not meeting her needs the whole time.  I have been separated from my wife for 2-1/2 blessed months now.  Every single day gets better.  I have peace.  I love life.  I feel connected to myself and other people.  I am very grateful to be where I am and to have done the work I needed to in order to get to this point.  I am a recovering co-dependent, so moving back out on my own again was not an easy step for me.  I had fallen a long way from my old, independent, bold self.  I had to deal with my own fears and issues around intimacy, abandonment, lonliness, and worthiness for good things in order to leave.  I was bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball at an Olympic match before that.  :shock:

During this time, I discovered a relationship with God that I didn't know I had.  I had rejected God many years ago when he didn't seem to be doing anything in this marriage.  I had gone to church growing up, but never had much place for God in my life.  It was a case of Him coming to find me this time, not the other way around.  Looking for God was the last thing on my mind.  Nevertheless, having this in my life has been a big help in giving me a feeling of acceptance and safety in taking the steps I have.  I don't feel ALL alone anymore, but still want and need people in my life.  I believe that it is a blessing from God that I have the house that I'm living in today.  The answers to my prayers came in words to "move on" and "leave, go forth."  I got this house that had been on the market 75 days, when all other houses were snapped up in less than 3 days on the market.  The random realtor that I got by dialing the realtor's office main number had divorced a year ago and we talked for an hour after seeing this house.  I really feel like this was a "God thing" and that I'm where I'm supposed to be.  Don't take any of this that I think I'm holy or anything, far from it.  I'm feeling my way around all of this new territory.

After reading several books on verbal abuse and BPD, I was able to see that there isn't anything to this relationship and never has been.  The person I thought I was marrying didn't exist.  It was all lies on her part to "keep me," her words.  That stopped right after we got married.  the real her came out.  I tried to appease her, but things just got worse and worse.  I made myself depressed running from the awareness that I had been tricked and used.  I got therapy and ADs and got out of that, but the awareness came back.  I "only" made myself numb that time.  The awareness came back.  I was no longer willing to be either depressed or numb or to do anything else to hurt myself to avoid it.  I got angry.  Full of rage. :x I started reacting to my wife with screaming, swearing, name-calling and verbal abuse of my own.  It scared the crap out of me because is NOT how I want to act.  I felt completely out of control when it happened and I didn't know what else I might do.  I felt like *I* had disappeared.

I decided I had to do WHATEVER it took to stop that and get my life back.  Not depression, not numbness or anything else like that because IT DOESN'T WORK!  In fact, those things had made it worse.  My appeasement had made it worse.  I started reading and surfing the internet looking for explanations, looking for understanding.  I was ashamed that I had let her treat me and use me this way.  I was ashamed that I didn't stand up for myself and leave.  I was ashamed that I was ashamed that she fooled me.  I wasn't ready to talk to anyone yet.

My wife had what should have been a disspointing discussion with her mother that turned into a potential estrangement.  I and my daughter told her we would support whatever she decided to do and did our best to help her through this time.  It hit me later, she was far, far more upset about a tiff with her mother than she had ever been about the shitty marriage we had.  After a sleepless night I finally realized that no matter what I did, it made NO difference.  My wife chose to have our relationship this way.  I couldn't even force her to change, let alone wait around until she decided to.  I asked her for a divorce.  After 16 years of refusing to go get help (I had offered many, many times) she suggested a marriage weekend.  I agreed because I wanted to be able to tell my daughter that I had tried EVERYTHING.  One of the guided imageries was to picture your partner as a wounded child and my wife actually cried because she had seen me as a human being for the first time.  I had always told myself that if she could just see me as a human being she would no longer be able to treat me the way she was.  We went through about 9 months of couples therapy, but that only made things worse as she was still saying all the right things in therapy and completely denying her behavior outside of therapy (a BPD symptom).  One day I woke up to find a note saying she was not going to joint counseling any longer but wanted to keep going on her own.  She refused to talk about anything related to our relationship and just wanted to have "fun" and chit chat about how our day went.

During this time, I was seeing my own therapist and working through a lot of issues that I noted above.  The big one for me was fear of abandonment.  To the point where I had panic attacks every time I tried to leave.  I was literally unable to leave until I dealt with those issues.  I was true to my word and not being depressed or numb.  Unfortunately, the awareness of this situation kept me from sleeping.  After several weeks of sleep deprivation and deepening desparation, I got a new therapist and some sleeping pills.  This helped me to take the final step and move out.  I could no longer physically stay in that situation.  The results are amazing.  I'm feeling like myself.  I like myself.  I am relearning what I like and don't like.  My old therapist told me that when I was done life would be "sweet.  Sweeter than it is for people who don't do this work."  It hadn't happened until recently.  Now, I finally *know* what he meant.  Life is good.  Life is sweet.

I don't love my wife anymore.  Not even a little bit.  I don't hate her anymore (thanks to a lot of forgiveness work), but I pity her.  She truly didn't ask to be this way, it isn't her fault.  However, she hasn't been willing to even acknowledge it, let alone do the work to stop her abusive behavior.  I guess now I'm indifferent to her for the most part.  She called to ask about buying something for our daughter today and sounded normal.  I had to retrace my steps and remind myself that I was getting the facade, not the reality.  It didn't take any time for me to get back to reality.  It's where I live now.  Goodbye OZ, hello Kansas!

Even if she completely admitted the way she is and started working on it today, I think it would take her 5-10 years to get to the point where she would really be able to have a true, mutual, intimate relationship.  I have not heard or seen that she has made that commitment.  I haven't hearn much at all.  I asked her to only EMail unless there was a time pressure, like this morning.  Not having to face her crazymaking statements and struggle not to react is a joy.

In short (ha ha!) I don't even like my wife and don't want to have anything to do with her.  She would HAVE to be pretty much cured of her issues before there would even be anything to talk about.  I don't want to wait around.  I'm sick and tired of being around her and trying to keep things sane.  I want a chance in my life to find someone who I want to share my life with.  Even though one of the inseparable ironies of this is that I am now aware that I don't NEED anyone with me to be OK.  I don't want to have to worry about whether my wife is going to raid the money or do something destructively spiteful to punish me for not meeting all her needs.  For the first several weeks in this house my heart would race and my adrenaline would shoot sky high when I heard a creak or a groan.  My immediate thought was that my wife was back and fight or flight would kick in.  I believe I have some low-level Complex PTSD from this as well.  I literally cannot be around her anymore.  Maybe all these things could change, but I'm not willing to put any effort into changing them.

So why don't I just get a divorce right now?  I'm moving closer to it, but there are a couple of things that have been holding me back.  One is that I want to take care of my daughter and afraid of hurting her even more with the divorce.  I see as I write this that is my co-dependent nature kicking in.  I will be much better able to help my daughter by taking care of myself first in this situation.  Trying to take care of someone else, even my daughter, would leave me drained again.  I can't do that.  I won't do that anymore.

The big reason I'm in the middle right now is trying to figure out whether it is OK with God that I divorce my wife.  Please, don't tell me not to worry about it or anything like that.  If I could have done that, I probably would have by now.  Whether you believe in God or not doesn't matter.  I do, and it isnt't something I can ignore or pretend otherwise.  And after my experiences, I wouldn't do that anyway.  I realize that the conventional wisdom is that the bible says that you can only get divorced for infidelity and even then should not remarry, but try to reconcile.  There are others who believe that this has been taken out of context of the times and that abandonment phsyically or emotionally qualifies as well.  I bounce back and forth between these, so I know my mind is not made up yet. :?  Certainly, my wife has not lived up to her vows, and I don't believe that she ever intended too.  I believe that she thought she had me forever because I couldn't leave.  I expected to feel one of two ways after moving out:  either more miserable for being alone and carrying all my problems which really did cause all the problems in our marriage, or I would feel better every day, lighter and joyful.

I don't love my wife.  I'm not willing to do any work on our relationship any longer.  I am committed to working on my own issues and continuing to grow.  I am committed to taking care of my daughter.  I'm not willing to take ANY chances with my wife.  I resent financially supporting my wife after all this.  I want to get a divorce and be done with it!

What holds me back?  I'm afraid deep down that I really am the cause of all the problems and that I haven't tried everything because I haven't tried living with my wife with all my issues resolved so I can tolerate her behavior.  Maybe she would come around?!?  I don't think so.  Besides, I CANNOT be around her.  Maybe I could at some point the future, but not for years at least.  That is no longer an option.  I feel ashamed that I wasn't able to save the marriage.  I failed.  I didn't realize it until my finger just now started typing it.  I feel unworthy and ineffective, but I also recognize those as coming from my childhood.  Shame and fear are not reasons to prolong this relationship.  I did fail.  I also failed to pick a safe person to marry due to my family issues, youthful ignorance, and her facility with deception.  That is certainly not a reason to continue to suffer.  I have issues and so does she.  It makes no sense to work through all my issues so I can throw my life away tolerating hers.  She shares as much responsibility for this marriage failing as I do.  I think I just got that.  Yes, I know she caused many of the problems due to her issues, but it didn't hit me that she is really responsible for this divorce as well.  (co-dep again on my part  :evil:)  She has had, Oh my God!, thousands of opportunities over the years and all she had to do was reach out.  She didn't.  *I* have not failed in this marriage, *we* have.  I have continued to grow and I hope she does as well.  For so many years, it has been just me trying.  It no longer even feels like there is an "us."  I am feeling sad now. :( I don't think that I had grieved this part yet.

Thanks for reading all this.  I didn't expect to write so much, you'd think I was used to it by now.  I guess I just have to go through a lot of stuff to get to the bottom of things.  Thanks for being there.

P.S. This was too long even for me to proofread.  Sorry for any typos.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)

Sallying Forth

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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2005, 10:00:35 PM »
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{longtire}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Big hugs.

The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2005, 11:31:10 PM »
Long, I'm sorry ..........BIG BIG HUGS

I don't know if you remember my dream about the brick wall and the sadness I had felt about 2-3 months after I left my H.
I went out on the balcony today funny thing I was thinking about this same dream wondered what was it why the brick wall, I was looking all around trying to figure it out was there more ?
I looked up and down saw the nice grass the pool,  it just didn't make sence to me.
I stood there looking thinking and turned to the east and there it was, today I see in the distance a neighborhood church with this huge cross standing high over the  condos and directly in my view.
I called my D and asked her had she ever noticed this cross in our view before??? We both thought it was cool and felt it was a special sign. No doubt it's been there all along but today for some reason I noticed it.

You know being in approval seeking mode you have pain inside when your not making others happy.
Press pass the pain you feel. You want to keep working on your relationship out of duty or loyalty to keep doing what's right? Keep healing for now in 6mos ask yourself agian how you think going back to your life could work and be happy for all involved. Your wife may change and see things different too.

You start to forget the pain you were in because you numbed your self through most of it.
The numbing is starting to go away, your left now with the real pain and having to face it.
You can't hide it with trying to make those around you feel better, it's only you.
You are not used to making your own life better for you.
The caos your used to had an addiction quaility, going back to this life without knowing how to protect yourself from the same would allow you to fall prey again all too easily.

The pain is a healing not a sign to retreat or think your not doing the right thing.
God does not want the family to fall apart.
You need two ADULTS to make it work both must be yoked the same and both doing the will of GOD.
Do you believe your wife did all she could do or if you went back to her, she could change that much to make this relationship any differnent?

I think you are doing a great, you didn't fail this is your co-denpendcy talking,
You did a brave thing in leaving a bad relationship. Your daughter will respect you for doing a difficult thing. Changing the way things were going was the only sane thing to do. 

Take care ..............OR




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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 11:34:26 PM »

Hun, It is time to start living life the way it was intended to be lived.  Do me a favor.  Look at the lyrics for "I'm moving on." by Raskal Flatts.  It speaks volumes!
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 11:36:51 PM »
Oh hell, this one's on me...LOL!!

I’m Movin’ On
(Phillip White/Vincent Williams)

I've dealt with my ghosts and faced all my demons
Finally content with a past I regret
I’ve found you find strength in your moments of weakness
For once I’m at peace with myself
I’ve been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long
I’m movin’ on

I’ve lived in this place and I know all the faces
Each one is different but they’re always the same
They mean no harm but it’s time that I face it
They’ll never allow me to change
But I never dreamed home would end up where I don’t belong
I’m movin’ on

I’m movin’ on
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know there’s no guarentee’s, but I’m not alone
There comes a time in everyone’s life
When all you can see are the years passing by
And I have made up my mind that those days are gone

I sold what I could and packed what I couldn’t
Stopped to fill up on my way out of town
I’ve loved like I should but lived like
I shouldn’t
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
I’m movin’ on

I’m movin’ on
I’m movin’ on

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2005, 11:44:05 PM »
Hey long, this is so weird. I just posted something to Sela/GFN, that I think speaks even more to you. Talk about God stuff. Anyway, I don't want to repeat m'self, that seems kind of ego-y, so here's a link to save you the trouble of looking for it.

It's Reply #12. Hope it helps.


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2005, 11:52:00 PM »

You are the most honest, introspective person. You sure don't need to worry about the unexamined life! My immediate thought is the inability to divorce (considering that it's the obvious choice and no one, even Jesus, would blame you) is similar to the previous ambivalence about separation. And it may have to do with some internal parts of yourself who are younger. Just a thought.

take care and thanks for sharing,



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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2005, 12:29:58 AM »

I just finished reading a book "Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart" --Thirty True Things You Need to Know, by Gordon Livingston, MD.  It is a short, easy read, but really hit home with me.  He talks a lot about being happy with your life and what it takes to attain that. 

I truly understand the lonliness and sadness of the breakup of the family.  I don't miss my ex anymore, but I do miss our time together as a family and the fun we had.  Be kind to yourself.  You are still grieving. Do you have a pastor you could talk to about your religious concerns regarding the divorce?  My therapist is a pastor and he certainly believes that there are marriages that should not stay together and the children are better off with the parents divorced.

Hugs and blessings,



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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2005, 10:01:38 AM »
Hi LongTire...I read your post last night and now it is the next day.  What you describe so well is virtually the same experience I have been having for nearly 23 years  and another two years in divorce court. I hesitate to respond to you since I worry that it will sound anxious and negative.  But if I don't respond, then I won't give you the potential of additional information that may help you decide what to do.

First, by leaving and working on yourself, you have done what I wished I had done.  I left in fear and only taking the clothes on my back plus the clean laundry on top of the dryer :).  Then I filed for divorce almost immediately with help from my Therapist.  Unfortunately, because of the length of my marriage the finances were almost totally under the control of my husband who was spending them at a break-neck speed and bankruptcy was a possibility.  Filing for divorce would place accountabilty of where the money was going. Or so I thought. 

Secondly, I found that once I had filed, while there may be a paper trail of the money, it doesn't mean that it won't kept being spent.  And not by me!  I still have only one tank of gas a month ifor my car in my budget.

Thirdly, once you enter the judicial system, because of the laws, the marriage is only seen in terms of custody and money.  The courts can't adjudicate the amount of emotional, verbal, or possibly physical abuse unless it is witnessed by a third party or injuries.  The courts do not like to have the children of the marriage testify on behalf of either parent unless a gross crime occurred.  Fortunately, my children are all over 18 years of age and my special blessing is that they are entirely supportive of me.  So there are no custody issues.

Finally, I think you have done absolutely the right thing to just distance yourself for however long it takes to remember who you were and are now and become strong in that knowledge.  Probably, divorce is inevitable and the stronger the faith you have in yourself will help you immensely in dealing with the  legal system which cannot deal with the nuances of the divorce....only the money and custody issues. 

I sincerely hope this is of help to you and not another negative in your life.  I know that I did the best I could with what I knew at the moment and I still have my pride.  If or when you decide to file for divorce, please ask your attorney to explain to you fully the possible scenarios that may happen when a Judge is asked to determine your future.  And I don't mean money in the sense that "you will get it all".  I mean money in the sense that your wife may damage your credit rating or in some other way place you in a position where for years to come you have to bail her out financially or have to have continuing litigation to decide who owes what.  I hope this is of some assistance to you.  You sound like a very, very nice person and I don't want to dump a lot of negative what-ifs in your life.     I truly think the time you have spent reflecting has been invaluable to you.  And I have to add the disclaimer that I am not an attorney and have had no legal training and I am only speaking of my personal experiences.


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2005, 11:05:16 AM »
Hi long

Your did not know of your wife's condition when you married her so you could not make a proper commitment, having all of the facts at that time. Annulled in God's eyes I would say.


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2005, 09:41:37 PM »
Thank you ITexperiment, OR, Jaded911, Stormchild, bunny, Brigid, dogbit, and Mati for posting.  Thank you and everyone else for reading and for your positive thoughts and prayers.  It really means a lot to me to reach out and have other respond, I really get choked up about it still.

I do recognize that this pain is coming up because I am not moving through it.  I gave up depression and numbness a while ago.  Now I'm actively pushing through it.  Look what happened last time I did!  I moved out and life became beautiful.  I can understand why I didn't work through this stuff before.  It sucks!  But I know that there is a beautiful rainbow on the other side.  My inner family trusts me now and there is no grumbling, just pressure to reach out and get enough support from others. :)

  • Jaded, thanks for the lyrics.  They express that feeling of "in between" perfectly for me.
  • Stormchild, your other post fit as well.  I feel very grateful to have moved beyond blame and rage.  Now I feel sorry for my wife, while still holding her accountable for her behavior.  She didn't choose to be treated the way she was as a kid, but she hasn't chosen to behave differently.  Scary to change, yes, but still fully her decision.
  • bunny, I have to keep reminding myself that I am not behaving without examination.  That is the force that keeps me moving.  I'm not where *I* want to be yet.  One of the other bumps here for me is the fear that if I get a divorce I will be acting out, JUST LIKE MY WIFE HAS TO ME ALL THESE YEARS.  I will be sinking to her level.  Well, even if that is all true, I need to stop thinking I'm any better than her and accept my faults along with my positive traits.  After all, if I can forgive her, surely I can forgive myself.  (Actually, that latter seems harder than the first, which was no cakewalk!)
  • Brigid, I added the book to my wishlist and will get read it when I whittle down my reading list a bit.  The reviews sound like something I could use.  I realized again today that things are so much better, I was settling for the lack of pain.  But I want to keep going until my life is FILLED with joy.  I saw it in someone today at church and realized that things can get so much better than they are today, and I want that.  And things are not bad today.  Now there is something to work for and look forward to!
  • dogbit, thank you for your heartfelt reply.  It sounds like you did the absolute best you could in leaving at the time.  Don't think less of yourself for taking such a difficult and painful step less than absolutely perfectly.  You are out and I believe that things will work out for you in the end.  You have the ability to stick to it and make sure that they do.  I didn't take you post negatively at all.  In fact, it reminded me that one of the great blessings in my life is that I am very good at taking care of financial aspects.  Heck, I took care of my wife against her will and we never went bankrupt despite her efforts. :)  I plan to transfer the money more under my control before starting the divorce to make sure that all the bills get paid on time.  I have already either cancelled or stopped (no new charges) on the joint credit cards.  Of course, we are still jointly liable for each other's "personal" cards until the divorce decree.  I just hope that if she runs up charges they can be compensated out of the final settlement.
  • Mati, I appreciate your post.  I am a little hesitant to use ignorance as an excuse, since I think that applies to the overwhelmingly vast majority of marriages. :?  However, had I known she was using me and deceiving me and had no intention of really following through on her vows and growing into them, then I agree with you.  It has not been a mutual realtionship at any point along the way.  It's become really clear to me over the last few days that not only am I no longer willing to do her work in this relationship, I am no longer willing to do my part either.  It isn't like I'm furious and want to punish her, I just don't care to have this in my life anymore.  I want real relationships with people who can relate back that are positive and make my life better.  I won't tolerate relationships that make my life worse anymore.  I guess I'm growing up in that area.

I can't say that I'm ready to make the decision and take action yet, but I don't feel distressed any longer.  I trust that I will see the answer that is already inside me when I have grown enough.  I have been praying about it and I certainly don't feel any negatives coming from God.  I can see now that I was projecting a lot onto that rather than dealing with the real underlying issues.  One more step, and the first one is the hardest.  God bless you all.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2005, 10:14:48 PM »
honestly longtire, I feel we give unwittingly a gift to our children when we cry cease! to a relationship which isn't working.
Maybe not at the time, but years later, if they find themselves making mistakes and being unhappy.
Who wants to teach their child they have to put up with unhappiness just to keep the peace or prevent anything 'ugly'.

I believe I've taught my son that life isn't perfect, mistakes get made, but they're not irredeemable...and that he doesn't have to try to be perfect, just live the best life he can, AS A HUMAN.

My father is BPD and it's an impossible situation to live with, you just have to walk away trying hard to be forgiving both to them and yourself.

I think you're doing really well to work through all this.
Take care.


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2005, 11:07:59 PM »

I am a little hesitant to use ignorance as an excuse, since I think that applies to the overwhelmingly vast majority of marriages.   However, had I known she was using me and deceiving me and had no intention of really following through on her vows and growing into them, then I agree with you.

I agree that it is true that no-one knows the person they marry properly right at the start, but when someone has a personality disorder or mental illness then they are incapable of making a relationship work whatever their partners do. I don't think that the PD'ed always know that they are deceiving etc. They just know what they want and how to get it. Right from the start there is a tragic flaw and when it comes to light later, then I do think that God does not hold us to our vow when we could not know that we had made a commitment to something that was unfeasible due to unawareness of the full facts.. I have made two mistakes like this the first one was a compulsive gambler and the second an n. I believe that God has released me from both mistakes as my head was messed up through my childhood anyway which led me to make the mistakes. The second time I did not leave the marriage because I had not seen how bad it was and it was my nH who ended it for his own convenience. But during the marriage when I was extremely unhappy, I felt that God had said to me that I couod leave it if I wanted but it was His will for me to stay because He could sanctify me through my suffering. In fact he did so.


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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2005, 01:14:24 AM »

Of course, we are still jointly liable for each other's "personal" cards until the divorce decree.  I just hope that if she runs up charges they can be compensated out of the final settlement.

Just as a piece of advice on this statement--I sold our family home a year ago.  All outstanding debts (of which my xh had plenty) were paid at that time, and from that point forward, our attorneys agreed that any further debt incurred by either party was their own and could not be obligated to the other party involved.  Our divorce was not finalized for another 10 months.

You might want to speak with an attorney before you make any changes to your financial arrangement to make sure you are doing something in your best interest. You might also be able to get something in writing to protect your assets and limit her spending prior to the divorce being final.  If you don't already have an attorney, I would spend some time now interviewing them and finding someone you trust and work well with, before anything critical happens.  I know you are not fully to the point of seeking the divorce, but these are good things to think about and prepare for as you begin to move forward. 

One of the 30 things you need to know now from the book I recommended above is "Happiness is the ultimate risk."  All of us who are starting our lives over in mid-life are wondering if we will ever find that elusive happy place.  It sounds like you are starting to take the risk and reap the rewards.  Keep up the good work.




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Re: Deciding on divorce (long)
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2005, 10:26:15 AM »
Dear (((((((Longtire)))))):

The positive thing I notice is that you really think things through before acting.  That is so admirable.  You aren't making a snap decision about divorce.  Good.  Divorce is serious stuff and it's ok to weigh your option, consider the consequences, and make a clear, sound decision.

What are your options?

1.  You can remain separated and go on to build a new life.  Whether you're divorced or not will effect you financially for the most part, right?  That could be rectified with a sepasration agreement (an agreement sorting out financial obligations, dispersement of assets, and often...custody/financial support of children), if you decide you aren't ready to divorce.

2.  You can decide that you want to divorce ASAP and get to the "end of it".  It will then be over and there will be closure.  I think you are wise to sort out your feelings in regard to it all first and to take as much time as you need before doing this.  That way you will know in your heart that you made a careful decision.

3.  You can reconcile with your wife and go back to a painful situation  (I bet this one is not really on your present list of options :D).

The big reason I'm in the middle right now is trying to figure out whether it is OK with God that I divorce my wife.

If it isn't ok, there are a whole, big, huge, massive, giant, large group of us divorced people who are going straight to hell!!! :shock:

Do you believe in a God who would condemn you for wanting to end a loveless, painful, emotionally draining, financially draining, hopeless relationship?

Do you believe that if you become whole and feel healed, that your wife will be healed too?  Must not she work on herself for this to happen and for the marriage to work?

I bet you meant your vows when you made them?  You say your wife "did not live up to" her vows so this makes me wonder if this will be ok with God?  Is it ok for her not to live up to her vows?  Are you required to keep vows with someone who is not?

Just me asking some questions need to answer them here unless you want to.
