OR, I hope and pray that your brother in law and family are safe.
It actually was much worse than looting. A fourteen year old girl was gang raped in the SuperDome and died. A child was also raped and murdered. Tourists and fellow sufferers were preyed upon. I think much of the violence had to do with drugs and gangs. No way is that to be condoned. In the case of someone sniping at rescue workers coming in, robbing, beating, raping others, shooting at helicopters, there is a perfectly justifiable shoot to kill order...and that should be carried out.
I did condone the taking of survival necessities...I would do the same. When there is no help, I don't call that looting. BUT when I saw the people with computers and such, I thought,"What are they thinking??? What good is a computer or TV going to do when there is no electricity? They are looting that stuff because they are the kind of people that grab anything they can. Hopefully, some force and authority will get there before they start in robbing and pillaging from the other victims." There's a huge difference between taking food, liquids, clean clothes, Depends (in one case), sanitary supplies and looting computers.
NOLA has always been a place of high crime. So are all our inner cities. I believe there is always going to be a criminal element in any society, but in places of poverty and deprivation it is worse. However, most of the refugees, despite days of hunger, thirst, and being crowded into the worst possible conditions, came through with their humanity intact. I also saw incredible acts of altruism, such as the woman who was trying to care for her elderly patient in impossible conditions.
NOLA is our biggest port. In addition, there are oil refineries, chemical factories, and grain elevators all up and down the river. Somebody is needed to work in the port, the refineries, and the factories. In addition, there is a shrimping and fishing industry. Should we close the port and shut down the refineries, factories, and grain elevators? Unfortunately, wherever there is industry, there have to be people to work in the industries....and those people have to live somewhere.