Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here!

Though I am going through some intense grieving right now I am thankful. Yesterday before meeting a very special person at a local grocery store I could not have said I am thankful at all. Strange how things change in just a few minutes.
I am thankful for:
1. God. How He orchestrated meeting with a woman on November 23.
2. Being alone for Thanksgiving. It's quite, peaceful and restful.
3. My h being unable to visit. He's sick with some flu. Yahooeee!!!!! Not thankful he's sick just that he's not here.

4. Having another pregnancy dream which tells me I am on the right path, the right timing, and a new beginning is coming.
5. God becoming more and more a part of my life through HIS WAY AND TIME and me allowing Him to come into my life, once again.
6. My cat and my dog. I had the chance to own and love and be owned and loved by my sweet, pumpkin puppy, Behr.
7. Grieving.
8. Becoming healthier and healthier emotionally, mentally, and spiritually on this journey.
9. My physical health and being able to exercise, move, and eat healthy.
10. Getting fitter and stronger and losing weight.
11. My intuition and ability to see right through people and know when they are telling the truth.
12. Learning to love and accept and trust myself.
13. Learning to love being alone.
14. Moving towards not being lonely.
15. Learning to live on my own, once again.
16. Jettisoning excess baggage: emotional, mental, and physical.
17. Knowing my holiday is going to be peaceful, stress free and calming and that I can choose to celebrate it
any way I want!!!

18. After going to therapy yesterday I learned and realized my h is N when it comes to sex. That is so freeing. I am not crazy. I always thought that. Now I heard it and then I read it last night.
19. Finding Lundy Bancroft's book
Why Does He Do That? This single book has done the most to help and free me from the lies my h has perpetrated on me. And to help and free me from the lies my mother, father, biofather and brother have perpetrated on me.
20. Finding this forum and learning about NPD. Then learning about OCPD. Thereby realizing
there was nothing wrong with me as a child.
It was my N & OC mother. It was my Nbiofather. It was my Nfather. It was my Nbrother.
What an incredible revelation!!! I do NOT have NPD. I am now free to be me!