Author Topic: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun  (Read 72194 times)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #150 on: December 11, 2006, 03:19:25 PM »
Oooo that bad budgie!
That's very funny, Bones.

I think birds are brilliant.
(BTW, have you seen the movie The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill? I think you'd really love it.)


Oh yes!!!  My boyfriend and I both went to see it as he is also very much into birds!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #151 on: December 11, 2006, 03:21:30 PM »
I always feel like I am boring people with my Henry stories... but you asked bones :)

Well, Friday night, I went downstairs as Henry had barked, which meant he needed to go out. There was a weird light on in the kitchen. Apparently we had not shut the fridge tightly and Heny opened it... nothing must have been of great interest to him as there was nothing dragged out, but there was a bit of slobber on the foremost items (gross). He also spent all day with us at a hockey tournament on Sat. He got soooooooo much love and showed off his trick of rolling over, which is hilarious. It always takes him a bit to right his portly body!!!

You'd be surprised at what they can get into whenever we are not looking!!!!  Just like little kids!!!   :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #152 on: December 11, 2006, 03:23:03 PM »
That sounds too sweet!!! Ha ha. Hope there wasn't bacon in the fridge... sorry... that was terrible...

Speaking of parakeets... my son came in the other day and told me there was the most beautiful bird perched on our neighbor's car. So I went out and it was a gorgeous green parakeet. It must have escaped. He kept flying back to our cars all day, but we never could catch him. I hope he is OK.

I hope he'll be o.k. too, with the winter months being here.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #153 on: December 11, 2006, 06:52:40 PM »
Well, our winter is still in the low 70s (60s at night). But we have hawks and all kinds of critters around. Actually, my backyard is amazing. One day I was sitting in front of the glass door knitting and a poor bird slammed right into the window and broke its neck. Well, the next thing I knew, a hawk was standing there looking in at me. Beautiful yellow eyes... a small hawk. My husband went out and moved the bird into the lawn while we figured out what to do with it. The hawk came back and took it... he had chased it on purpose. Its parent was out there... teaching it to hunt.
We also see mongooses about every day. And the huge fruit bats roost in the trees. Sometimes I can see them right above my head. At night they fly with their 4 to 6 foot wingspans open and they chatter in the trees. We also get the enormous spiders year round and giant praying mantis. The only animal I am very UNfond of are the shrews... They are all around the house and screech at us and ruin all the plants. My house is also populated with geckos... including, right now, tiny babies. Thay are adorable.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #154 on: December 11, 2006, 10:17:22 PM »
WOW, Beth.
I am soooooooooooooooooooooo grateful for that unexpected glimpse of the exotic landscape you're familiar with!

Really, that was thrilling.

I absolutely love reading people's descriptions of where they sit, what they look at, etc.

Thank you!

(Digression from pets, but what fascinating creatures you see. I bet the foliage is amazing too.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #155 on: December 11, 2006, 10:25:41 PM »
Well, our winter is still in the low 70s (60s at night). But we have hawks and all kinds of critters around. Actually, my backyard is amazing. One day I was sitting in front of the glass door knitting and a poor bird slammed right into the window and broke its neck. Well, the next thing I knew, a hawk was standing there looking in at me. Beautiful yellow eyes... a small hawk. My husband went out and moved the bird into the lawn while we figured out what to do with it. The hawk came back and took it... he had chased it on purpose. Its parent was out there... teaching it to hunt.
We also see mongooses about every day. And the huge fruit bats roost in the trees. Sometimes I can see them right above my head. At night they fly with their 4 to 6 foot wingspans open and they chatter in the trees. We also get the enormous spiders year round and giant praying mantis. The only animal I am very UNfond of are the shrews... They are all around the house and screech at us and ruin all the plants. My house is also populated with geckos... including, right now, tiny babies. Thay are adorable.

Sounds like you live in the tropics!  We don't have any of that where I live!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #156 on: December 12, 2006, 09:05:17 PM »
Ok, stupid dog story:
our "middle dog", who is a little wacked to begin with, sees particularly well, and at long distances. So in our new home, he has discovered squirrels. They are much more  brazen than the lizards he was used to, and just park themselves in front of the large picture window while he goes crazy...and I mean crazy. I can hear the squirrel talk around the neighborhood:
"hey, Joe, did you check out the new idiot next door. Watch this." Then they proceed to take a coffee break in front of the window.
Other dogs will have the same effect, but they usually keep on going by, on leashes. There doesn't seem to be too many cats about, but there is an occassional one from time to time.
So one day, crazy boy is barking furiously at what appears to be a cat across the street, just sitting in the neighbors driveway. This goes on for an extended amount of time, and I can't believe how still that cat has been for sooo long.
So I went out the front door to get a closer look, and it's not a cat, but a fallen oak branch with leaves set just so, that looks exactly like a sitting cat at a distance!
A few minutes later, my husband says: "hey do you see that cat over there? It's driving him nuts!"

As if that weren't enough, when I took all three dogs for a walk later, the middle one practically drags the rest of us across the street to GET THAT CAT, of course. When he gets close enough, and figures out it's only leaves on  a branch....he instantly starts a frantic search for THAT CAT! I swear if he had been off leash, he would have tried to get into the neighbor's house to find THAT CAT (that never existed!!!)

Dogs are weird and mine are weirder. Their first encounter with deer  in the neighborhood still has them scratching thier heads (no it's not fleas)..."so, hey, have you figured out what those big quiet things with the ears were?"   "They didn't smell like dogs, but who knows....this whole place is crazy"

And it snowed last week. THAT was NUTS!!! (and I felt about 5 again!!!)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #157 on: December 12, 2006, 09:11:22 PM »
Hopalong, I just read some of the past pages on this thread and I must say, I just love reading your writing. When do I get to read your book? Darn, now I can't get back to that page to quote you, but "a voice that could make waffles", I think it was?
MAN, I love your way with words!!!


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #158 on: December 12, 2006, 09:15:30 PM »
Mum... Very cute story!!!!!

I was positive that a stick in my backyard was a snake one evening and stared at it so long that it appeared to move...

Ha ha

Your ding-dong dogs sound too cute!!!!!

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #159 on: December 13, 2006, 12:33:18 PM »
Ok, stupid dog story:
our "middle dog", who is a little wacked to begin with, sees particularly well, and at long distances. So in our new home, he has discovered squirrels. They are much more  brazen than the lizards he was used to, and just park themselves in front of the large picture window while he goes crazy...and I mean crazy. I can hear the squirrel talk around the neighborhood:
"hey, Joe, did you check out the new idiot next door. Watch this." Then they proceed to take a coffee break in front of the window.
Other dogs will have the same effect, but they usually keep on going by, on leashes. There doesn't seem to be too many cats about, but there is an occassional one from time to time.
So one day, crazy boy is barking furiously at what appears to be a cat across the street, just sitting in the neighbors driveway. This goes on for an extended amount of time, and I can't believe how still that cat has been for sooo long.
So I went out the front door to get a closer look, and it's not a cat, but a fallen oak branch with leaves set just so, that looks exactly like a sitting cat at a distance!
A few minutes later, my husband says: "hey do you see that cat over there? It's driving him nuts!"

As if that weren't enough, when I took all three dogs for a walk later, the middle one practically drags the rest of us across the street to GET THAT CAT, of course. When he gets close enough, and figures out it's only leaves on  a branch....he instantly starts a frantic search for THAT CAT! I swear if he had been off leash, he would have tried to get into the neighbor's house to find THAT CAT (that never existed!!!)

Dogs are weird and mine are weirder. Their first encounter with deer  in the neighborhood still has them scratching thier heads (no it's not fleas)..."so, hey, have you figured out what those big quiet things with the ears were?"   "They didn't smell like dogs, but who knows....this whole place is crazy"

And it snowed last week. THAT was NUTS!!! (and I felt about 5 again!!!)

 :lol: :lol:  FUNNY!!!   :lol: :lol:  I can imagine how he'll react the first time he sees an oppossum!!!  I have a story about that!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #160 on: December 13, 2006, 08:39:07 PM »
This ain't humorous but now and then I google doggies, daydreaming...
one I've always liked the look and temperament of is the sheba inu,
and turns out they're known as "primitive dogs" (along with dingoes)
because they've not been bred to change much or stay "puppylike" throughout adulthood
but retain a lot of natural wildness and reserve, etc.
Though they're very friendly and loyal and good pets they have that self-confident
wildness still...(more like an independence of mind than lack of trainability)


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #161 on: December 14, 2006, 12:05:08 AM »
Wildlife can be funny too!!!!

One day, Nicky was barking like mad and when I went to check, I discovered an opposum lounging on top of the fence directly above Nicky!!  The crazier Nicky barked, the more the opposum yawned and acted bored!!!!  It was funny to watch!!!!   :lol:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #162 on: December 14, 2006, 12:13:09 AM »
A few years ago, I was visiting a wildlife center that also had a squirrel-proof birdfeeder on its deck.  It was the type that when the squirrel stepped on the perch, it closed down.  This persistant squirrel kept trying to get into it while standing on the perch.  At one point, it started hanging off of its roof while the perch stayed stuck in the "down" position.  Suddenly, the perch popped up, smacking the squirrel square in the butt and sent it flying over the feeder's roof!!!   :shock: :lol:  That squirrel had such a shocked and surprised look on its face wondering what in the heck happened!!!!  I couldn't stop laughing!!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #163 on: December 14, 2006, 02:08:47 AM »
Bones.... that is toooo funny!!!  I hope the little guy wasn't hurt.  I have a little tiny toy maltese.  She stays in the kitchen with me when I am cooking.  She's the funniest little thing to watch, whenever the meat comes out of the oven, she will follow me around the kitchen, hopping on her hind legs until I give her some.  She stays in an upright position until I give in and give her some meat!!


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #164 on: December 14, 2006, 04:07:29 AM »
Bones.... that is toooo funny!!!  I hope the little guy wasn't hurt.  I have a little tiny toy maltese.  She stays in the kitchen with me when I am cooking.  She's the funniest little thing to watch, whenever the meat comes out of the oven, she will follow me around the kitchen, hopping on her hind legs until I give her some.  She stays in an upright position until I give in and give her some meat!!

Fortunately, the little guy was not physically hurt.  However, his dignity took a hit!   :lol:  The expression on his little face was TOO CUTE!!!

I can visualize your dog dancing for her supper!!!!  ADORABLE!!!!!   :D
