Ok, stupid dog story:
our "middle dog", who is a little wacked to begin with, sees particularly well, and at long distances. So in our new home, he has discovered squirrels. They are much more brazen than the lizards he was used to, and just park themselves in front of the large picture window while he goes crazy...and I mean crazy. I can hear the squirrel talk around the neighborhood:
"hey, Joe, did you check out the new idiot next door. Watch this." Then they proceed to take a coffee break in front of the window.
Other dogs will have the same effect, but they usually keep on going by, on leashes. There doesn't seem to be too many cats about, but there is an occassional one from time to time.
So one day, crazy boy is barking furiously at what appears to be a cat across the street, just sitting in the neighbors driveway. This goes on for an extended amount of time, and I can't believe how still that cat has been for sooo long.
So I went out the front door to get a closer look, and it's not a cat, but a fallen oak branch with leaves set just so, that looks exactly like a sitting cat at a distance!
A few minutes later, my husband says: "hey do you see that cat over there? It's driving him nuts!"
As if that weren't enough, when I took all three dogs for a walk later, the middle one practically drags the rest of us across the street to GET THAT CAT, of course. When he gets close enough, and figures out it's only leaves on a branch....he instantly starts a frantic search for THAT CAT! I swear if he had been off leash, he would have tried to get into the neighbor's house to find THAT CAT (that never existed!!!)
Dogs are weird and mine are weirder. Their first encounter with deer in the neighborhood still has them scratching thier heads (no it's not fleas)..."so, hey, have you figured out what those big quiet things with the ears were?" "They didn't smell like dogs, but who knows....this whole place is crazy"
And it snowed last week. THAT was NUTS!!! (and I felt about 5 again!!!)