Author Topic: The Circle of Light  (Read 1279 times)


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The Circle of Light
« on: May 18, 2006, 04:51:03 AM »
We consciously connect to every being on this planet who prays for peace.In every church ,synagogue and every mosque,in bedrooms,in silent places in hospital rooms ,at the workplace anywhere the human heart reaches up to the divine source of creation and says please God let there be peace on Earth.
This is the Living Prayer I Found on the Internet
"I am asking that all those who are suffering and struggling right now receive all the cooperation,love and support they need to get through this difficult time in the easiest and most benevolent way"
"We are each a lighthouse shining its light.We do not judge the storm to come.We know we are safe and we shine our light to help others to find safe harbor as well."
Words and thoughts are powerful indeed.
I just thought this prayer was nice and I would share it.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 05:26:45 AM by moonlight52 »