oh dear, what a horrible situation for you, that must be so frustrating.
My friend's husband ( who is N ) did all this with his daughter, and now she's age 18 laments that the beautiful young woman won't give him the time of day.
Her mother put her in therapy when she got a bit older to work through all the emotional damage, but it wasn't all that bad- because she was close to her mother, and her father and his family behaved so chidlishly down the years she learned to see them for who they are.
When she reached 17 Daddy tried to win her over with a car, her first teenage car. Knowing it would come with 'conditions' she politely declined! He was furious and heartbroken of course but whilst I listened to him I did feel- you reap what you sowed, you fool...and I was full of admiration for the girl's emotional intelligence!
I guess I am rambling, but I just wanted to say- you won't always have to deal with him, and your daughter will grow up ok with your love.
I know I sometimes think ( and my ex isn't nearly as difficult as yours ) will we ever draw a line under all this...but each year gets easier. I talk to my son very openly, age appropriately, and each year he is more able to cope with his father's issues, in fact he's getting pretty assertive.
You're doing your best to manage a bad situation. We can't make life perfect for our kids, just do our best.
Keep clear factual ( unemotional ) documentation for court.
Take care.