I don't think sexual abuse is nearly as common as physical abuse, nor physical abuse as common as emotional abuse.
There is currently in most societies a lack of cohesion as to what is emotional and physical abuse though, so I think we focus more on sexual abuse as it seems more clear-cut.
All sexual predators are sociopaths
maybe some are, but my experience is sexual abusers are 'minimisers' ( of the harm done within their own life, their own impoverished psyche, and the impact they have upon their victims ) and substance abusers ( particularly alcohol- the largest amount of sexual assault seems to be committed whilst the perpetrator is drunk )
A lot of the problem seems to me not predatory but opportunistic exploitation of a situation and someone's vulnerability. Lack of self-control is the most important factor: whatever a person's desires, fantasies or situations, or the situation they find themselves in, it is a responsibility to not act out.
This is another dichotomy of the modern world, where we are constantly encouraged to explore and experience for ourselves, to let go of social and psychological constraints.
The old values of good and evil were there for a reason.