It saddens me that some people work so HARD to discount global warming,
when whether or not it's simply a question of degree, surely anyone with
common sense can see that we are polluting the planet into oblivion?
Just as cigarettes can take life away from a person who stays in denial
until it's too late, it is sensible to me that multiple attacks on the fragile
ecophere of this planet have a similar cumulative effect...and tragically
for all of humankind, as with many smokers, IT IS POSSIBLE TO WAIT
The earth is not invincible. It is a living organism that can only absorb what
it can absorb.
If global warming, like the existence of deity, weren't provable except by a leap
of faith (plus any human's intuition and right of observation, not only scientists')...
I have that faith, unfortunately.
Even if a citizen felt that s/he had to make an incompletely-informed guess, I hope
most won't gamble any longer on the side of ripping everything from the earth that can
be profited from. Or even when profit is not the motive, resistance to accountability or changing comfortable habits (recycling diligently, giving up gas guzzlers, investing in alternative energy...).
The window is narrow and I don't believe the majority of scientists who acknowledge the reality
of GW are Chicken Littles. The majority of sober scientists are in clear consensus, despite some
different interpretations, and the mainstream media sometimes does tell us the facts. I don't feel like blaming a conspiracy of media, of liberal politicians, or anything else. I believe the planetary
environmental crisis is actually what metaphorically passes for original sin. I believe the issue is also whether we can see it as a moral imperative. Do we have dominion over this precious planet, to exploit without regard to its survival,or do we have stewardship?
There's an interdependent web of existence that is sacred. I've got a long way to go in
reducing my own carbon footprint, however. Surely, my hot air is not contributing.

So I'll quit, except to say that this isn't right: "Let the grandchildren clean it up."
I hope people will be curious, keep their minds open and see the film for themselves.
Would be great to have more views.