Author Topic: Thank you!  (Read 2508 times)


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Thank you!
« on: February 16, 2004, 02:59:08 AM »
Thank you for your replies earlier.  I am sorry i havent been able to thank you earlier.  I do taxes and it is tax season here in the US and I have two babies to take care of.  I have been reading some of the posts and cannot believe the pain here.  I am glad to have found you all.  Today, my husband came to visit the baby (3 months old) and she was looking at me and i was waving and talking to her.  He got mad and turned her away from me so that she couldnt see me and then said, "well, she always sees you and i never get to see her, so..."  That was the end of his sentence.  What is up with that?  He is the most childish person i have ever known.  I took my papers to the lawyer last week and hope that he gets back to me SOON!  I am so tired of him and want him to go away soooooooo bad.  I wish i knew some way that he would just quit coming to see the baby.  Maybe he will get bored with her.  Well i better go, i think i am getting sick which wouldnt be surprising since these kids have been sick all weekend.  Poor babies.  (the other one is 5 by the way lol.)
Thank you for your support