Author Topic: Feeling vulnerable  (Read 5131 times)


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Re: Feeling vulnerable
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2006, 12:03:20 PM »
Write, seriously for a moment….a pause for the beauty of the internet itself. 8)

Is it democracy in action? We can get information from official sources and from unofficial sources. We can search for whatever we like (well, we can). We have the freedom to know, to access things that so little time ago – it would have seemed amazing. And maybe using the internet causes us (us being people in general) to think more independently. We meet all sorts of people from other countries and cultures. The web is a great leveller.

I love it. I’m seriously considering chucking out my television because I don’t use it any more. Take my car, my TV, oh a whole load of ‘stuff’ but please spare my internet connection! :D

Before The Internet: I hadn’t heard the words dysfunctional, personality disorder, even ‘abuse’ was something I thought happened in pubs between drunken men. Without the internet would I still be towing the line, walking around blind, whispering in reply to others when I was feeling at my worst? Possibly.

The internet represents such freedom and independence and inter-dependence to me.

Without it I wouldn’t know you Write and that would be a loss.

I can get real maudlin' when i want to eh?  :mrgreen: Eulogy over.

Certain Hope

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Re: Feeling vulnerable
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2006, 12:15:46 PM »
Posted by: Portia 

Write, seriously for a moment….a pause for the beauty of the internet itself

Pause duly noted and recognized. I love the net and ditto all you've said, Portia.
