storm: It is part of the futile exercise of trusting the untrustworthy, seeking love from the unloving, seeking care from the uncaring, seeking mercy from the merciless.
I am exhausted reading this, Storm. I have spent so much of my life doing all of the above. I suppose we all do to some point, but you get to a certain age and although there is gratitude for the enlightenment and growth that comes from these escapades there is also such a sense of lost time, don't you think? Pretty much, though, I feel free today. Life is not perfect, but I am very protective of my boundaries these days. I am unwilling to allow the negativity in anymore. And, the teenagers think they have the cornerstone on "My Space". Try to tell that to someone in recovery in the Voiceless Forum.
Agree ANS
Sometimes, especially lately, have sat here and thought why did I waste those precious years, the best years really, seeking love from the unloving, trusting the untrustworthy, and, yes even seeking mercy from the merciless.
My heartfelt hope is that due to the resources available today via the internt, especially Voicelessness Forum, and other empowering and supportive sites, others won't have to lose precious years of their lives, walking lost in the wilderness of ignorance and abusive denial, regarding the reality of emotional abuse.
seeking, finding and receiving, validation and genuine support, as soon as is possible, really does makes a difference.