Author Topic: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments  (Read 2713 times)


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N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« on: February 13, 2007, 03:48:21 PM »
This is a particularly frustrating aspect of my life with NH.

He will control and manipulate how I act by making comments about a 3rd party and how he despises them.  Usually a bit**.  Or fat.  Or a terrible wife.  Etc.

He knows by saying these things in my presence, he is letting me know he won't tolerate THAT from me.  So he gets me held down without ever directing anything right at me.  Thus, deniability.


He compliments or raves about someone in front of me knowing full well that he is hurting me by ommission.  And he sits there and watches me squirm while I try to hide my feelings of being put down.  If I can't hide them well enough, and he because he knows what he did to me, he then acts as if I am the sensitive one and wants to know "what on earth is wrong with me---what did he do NOW?"

Lately he has been bringing up how he thinks this person or that person is neurotic--because he read ONE definition of neurosis as---- thinkingor perceiving things are different than they really are.

He likes to insinuate I am neurotic based on this one sentence definition he read somewhere that fits what he wants and then proceed to make sure I know he thinks all the problems in the relationship lie with me.  Because I am only assuming he meant these things by saying this or that other thing!  Is this making sense? 

Because he never says anything directly to me.  But I know.  He has trained me to know.  And no one is the wiser.  Well, buddy, I am wising up.

 I have seen him "work" others enough to know how he tries to manipulate people by suggestions to get his way.  He made the mistake of telling me years ago he never does or says anything without thinking through all the consequences first.  Thus letting me into his sick mind a bit.

My mistake for not bothering to realize I was his biggest prey of all.  And to now realize what he is doing like reading a book, and it frustrates me so......
But what to do?  Can't really prove anything or he will just tell everyone I am neurotic or some other form of crazy because he has made sure he has abused me very covertly usually.  Proving that in my defense would be hard.

Does anyone else have this happen to them regularly?  What do you do?




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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 03:57:20 PM »

I would either remove myself from this kind of mean hurtful situation or just think just because a person says something does not make it so
and also does not mean others can not see through your N's manipulations..........

Easier said than done but that is what I think would be positive ways to look at these kinds of behavior.


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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 04:47:07 PM »
Thanks moon,

I know I am full of questions, but I do so love the insights I receive here.  

Here's another I just remembered....why is he so addicted to the VERY person responsible for his Nism?  Actually he and his N mother feed off each other.   :shock:

And why does he claim that I drive him crazy but he just won't say what I do?  So I wonder, really, WHAT?  Interesting and confusing news to a person who watches every flinch he makes or breath he takes or flicker  of his eye to see how I need to adjust to please him----- for the past 20 years!!!!!   Married 16.5---dating for 20----actually today is our 20th anniversay of our 1st date.  And the beginning of the long rotten road for me.  Not celebrating today.  He actually asked me to be "his girl" 3 days later and we have been together since.  I was 16.  Barely.

Makes me sick to write THAT out.  Probably why I am posting so much today.  Don't want to think about that too hard.  

I actually had a full scholarship to a local University and he talked me out of it and I gave it up and married him.  He talked me out of it by using his weird way of verbal and emotional manipulation I was talking about before.  Which is precisely what I witnessed him do to our oldest daughter  a few months ago when she informed us she wanted to try out for a sport team at school and he USED the SAME ---and I mean---THE SAME---reasoning and shaming and fear tactics on her because that sport didn't fit what HE wanted her to do.  He insists she play her flute because it serves him.  It feeds his Nism.  She is very good, but does it for him.  He tells her--basketball will just jam your fingers---how will you play flute?  Deja vu.

He made her cry just before try-outs. Selfish PIG!   :twisted: I took her anyway.  I was proud she was trying.  He was also taking a "dig" at me because I played all kinds of sports in high school and was going to in college, but he never respected that.  And certainly doesn't want THAT for his daughters!!!  (Back-handed put-down to me)
I was pretty sick that he treated her that way and to realize after all these years exactly what he was up to when he talked me out of my future and education and desires so I could be his slave.  I always consciously thought it was my decision, he was that good at the game, and it hit me hard when I realized I knew all along what he did -----I just was in denial.

AAAAAAACKKKKKKK!!!  I could really just smack him.  Now he is doing it to our daughters, and when the boys are old enough, I am sure he will do it to them too.  I don't see of any way to stop this.  Divorced or not.  He WILL have influence in their lives and they are children and don't know how to adapt.  Geez, I barely can.

But, not allowing them the chance to grow up by learning to deal with his sickness, and protecting them, I am probably not doing them any favors.  Is that right?  

Just a hard day today, memories being triggered I guess.




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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2007, 04:50:31 PM »
these are "ricochet transactions" ... they're supposedly about someone else but really aimed at you, or supposedly about you but really aimed elsewhere...

here is an old post on the subject. ... hope it helps.
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"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2007, 04:55:31 PM »

Oh, so you risked the wrath of "disrespecting" him by not agreeing?  Hmmmm...suppose I could handle some more pouting and rages.  I promised myself I wouldn't let him affect me with that any more anyway.

Suppose I just leave the room?  Why not, if he is not mad about that he will be mad about something else.  I will inevitably end up having to ignore the big baby somehow anyway.  May as well do so and make a stand too.



And Stormchild:  I am cutting out the whining & posting for today I think, and going right to that thread---Thank you!  Much needed today. :)


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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2007, 05:11:38 PM »
I am so sorry for the pain he has caused you perhaps I am not experienced enough to have answered your question and others can anwser better than I can I am sure.
I wish all this manipulating and contolling people would not do this to anybody.

Life is more complicated and not as simple as what I wrote I feel so bad for everyones hurt so very.



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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 05:20:16 PM »
Hey Moon,

Wanted to tell ya sorry about the "barren desert" comment.  Just a phrase.  :)  I actually live in an area considered to be a desert as well.  LOVE all your comments!




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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2007, 05:35:27 PM »

i WAS just making a joke and not directing the silliness at your comment Iwas remembering my father in law (he was from back east)
saying "theres no trees out here" need for sorry's
i put foot in mouth oops




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Re: N Manipulation by 3rd Party comments
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2007, 06:36:43 PM »
Awwwwww ((((((((((Moon)))))))))) ((((((((((Sunny))))))))))

Sunny, it ain't whining, it's venting, we all need to do it! Moon, god love your kind heart.

Had a poopy day today m'self. Vent vent vent!!!!!!


The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52