ya know something, gaping...first of all, I was vulnerable on this board and admitted to struggling with the same intolerant attitudes that you just openly exhibited. The name "gaping" fits you, because you just are wide open with your venom toward this hurting person's cries. Thankfully, I've never been that callous toward someone, I don't think.
If someone is saying they feel unheard, invisible and plan to end their life, I have ALWAYS taken that EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY! You should too.
Whether or not, you'd consider a cry for help and attention to be a Borderline thing, the point is, this board and we who are on it, are here to be a support for people, not here to point out their behavioral issues or impulsive actions and then condemn them for admitting to their struggle, the reasons for it (which are absolutely painful to know about) or their resulting actions.
All I can say is how DARE you kick a hurting person while they are down? I pray that someone will treat you much better in your ultimate time of need.