Author Topic: weekends {:-(  (Read 3021 times)


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weekends {:-(
« on: March 10, 2007, 08:49:22 AM »
Am I the only one home alone with no life? There is no movement in the board. Very few new posts. No responses. It is getting so lonely here. This is the only reason I don't like weekends. At least during week days I am so tired and busy that can't think of  my solitud. Sometimes I prefer to have the problems of work rather than having to be home alone. Weekends are so silent.
Hi!!!   Anybody home?


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 09:48:17 AM »
Lupita:  I am just waking up!!  The only day to sleep in.  I think a lot of people are taking a break from the board.  After the last conflict it wasn't safe for a lot of people any more.  This forum is for people who do not have a voice and when other people hush someone it brings back some terrible feelings of not being heard.  That is why I always try to stay as neutral as possible.  Yes, I threw my two cents worth in occasionally but not boldy.  Sometimes I wanted to say, "shut are adding fuel to the fire."  So anyway, I agree.  Since I have been waiting to hear from a company for a job the weekends drove me crazy.  I would have something to do all week but I would just sit here and obsess all weekend.  Last weekend I went on a shopping was fun!!!!  Then on Thursday night I ordered a pair of shoes from and they came the very next day with no shipping and no tax.  I will order shoes from there a lot more often!!!

How's that for not having much to say..........?

Hopefully you can do something fun.  Go shopping???  Go to a movie???

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 12:19:01 PM »
Hey Lupita,

I still have a 12yr old at home so he keeps me busy. Then comes shopping.  I'm also bored now with winter so I'm trying to spring up my house a bit.  Changing colors.  I can't wait to get out doors to garden.  I hate being couped up inside. I'm not a inside person.  The months I hate is from Feb to April.  Seems like the boring months. After the holidays and not yet warm enough to spend outside. Ah! but spring is almost here.
I don't know what I'll do when my little one leaves the nest.  My other two already have.
I think if I had the strength to build on rooms I'm sure  I would be doing that. I like to create. Keeps me busy. I should paint but I seem to be in a rut.  Oh I really like painting and designing on walls too. I'm big on looking at the HGTV web site. I love the ideas and designs, some are really easy to do. My new project is to make my own privacy wall. It's made out of cinder blocks that you cement over and put tile on.  It's really pretty looking, well at least on the site who know what it will look like when I'm done. Well enough I'll shut up now. Just getting excited about Spring.



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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 01:23:04 PM »
Deb:  Your life sounds like mine.  I have a 12 year old daughter at home who is autistic.  I also can't wait until Spring.  I was looking at a gardening magazine.  My husband and I bought some large boulders and made a place for a garden in the front yard but right now it is just rocks and a pile of dirt!!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 01:46:10 PM »
Hi Lupita and all,

I am just up and finished my first coffee (Pacific Time)

Then I'll do the marketing, pay the bills, do a little work that I brought home from the Office on Wednesday and then my time is mine.

I watch TV, read, or am on the computer,........

........ and that is how most of my days go.

I am not an extensive poster, but when I read something that hits home I love to join that thread and If I have something to say for a new thread I will post it.

I don't feel bored though.


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 02:33:49 PM »
Hey Oc,

My sons friend has an brother who is autistic he is now I think 18 or 20.  He knows his brothers by name, mom, dad. Loves cartoons and when his brother bought a puppy( lab) boy was he happy and played with the dog all day. His mom doesn't get to go out much so she cooks up a storm for everyone. My son and her son are ok with that. They are roomates with their own apt. You know poor college students, so they claim.
You should check out HGTV on-line.  I'm addicted and want to build everything.  My family gets like (oh God) she's looking at things on there again.  Fortunately for me I don't have the strength to hammer and pick up things but unfortunate for the men in the family although my son hides out often now.  So I get to design boss everyone around, be the foreman. Life is good being female sometimes.
Could you imagine if we lived close to each other.  We would be building cities. lol. Or at least Parks.



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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2007, 02:49:04 PM »

Oh!  You could design things. Me and OC could wear hard hats and play foreman (act like we are exhausted) over see everything being built and the men would do all the work.
This is a plan this could work girls.
Shhhh don't let Mud hear.
Love Deb


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2007, 03:38:43 PM »
Too bad we all don't  live in close proximity and we could spend the weekends building, or tearing down, ranting or raving, eating or not, drinking or not, parachuting off the mountains, looking for Ogopogo, our local lake monster, whatever.

.and you gals could push me around on my wheels --right to the mountain tops!



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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2007, 03:50:48 PM »
You got it Izzy,

wouldn't that be the life?  I'd even get those hats that they wear at the football games where the straw goes right to your mouth, no hands.  Fill mine with some nice Baileys.  I'm sure when we were hunting down ogpogo the lake monster after my Baileys I would see him even if he was not really there. 



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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2007, 04:07:02 PM »
Sounds fun girls.  I got some practice pushing a wheelchair around.  My dad has diabetes and heart problems so I went with him to the doctor and he almost passed out in the men's room.  So I got him in a wheelchair and pushed him up to the doctors appointment.  It probably won't be long before he needs one all the time.  Poor guy, his diabetes is getting the best of him.  I should be better because I am following in his footsteps with insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes....)

I am actually not a very good builder but my husband has built a shed and a fence.  Problem with him is he becomes a martyr whenever he does any putzing so he is very short and defensive and not a lot of fun to be around when he is doing those projects.  He is not a very fun drunk either.  He is just not very fun.  I am thinking about leaving him....................but that's another story......................he's a raging alcoholic and he makes my life a living hell most of the time but I just ignore him of late.  Then I have the autistic daughter who is a joy but there is the stress of living with a special needs child.  She is a walking tornado.  I cannot keep up with her.

So my nmom expects me to be superwoman and defer to her every whim, etc.  But the good news is she just cut me a check for $1000 for a whole new wardrobe....well, not a whole new wardrobe but 4 new outfits.  I aksed her for it.  I called and said, "How sweet do you feel?"  Usually she is not sweet at all but she cannot say no so I take advantage of that whenever I can.........

Oh, well, that was kind of a ramble.  I went shopping again today.....didn't find anything.  I was looking for a red purse but my taste says $275 but my budget says $25....

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2007, 05:01:09 PM »
I am loving my wknd but still surfing an edge of stress...

I need to do paperwork and have rested all day.
I am going to friends' tonight to relax and drink wine and watch Stuart Little.

My mother will pounce on me about "I am ready to go home" as soon as I arrive, so I am putting off my dailly visit to her.

I have thought about what I could say, and I think it's this:
Ma, you can look at this as a conspiracy to be mean to you, or you could look at it as an opportunity to rebuild the muscle strength you have let slide this winter, so you'll be ready to enjoy the spring, and get out and about on walks every day, and go places now and then. It's up to you. How about you stop fretting about being here, and take the physical therapy as a gift, not a punishment?

Anyway, I'll try it.

Meanwhile, gotta go brush my doggie (I'm taking her with me to visit Ma), then stop by the video place, then relax and have some fun.

love to all and a peaceful weekend...
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2007, 05:18:47 PM »

Swhoo!   you got your hands full. Your a pretty tuff lady.  But shopping is good. I like to look at
They have really good buys on there.  I wanted a pair of red JLO shoes but they were sold out. Gosh!!
I wish the best for your dad. I have diabetes in my family.  I was tested 2 years ago for it but all was good.
Thats when my B.P had went high and they had to rule out things. I don't take meds I try to control it through what I eat and I was taking 7 flower remedy until the place moved who made it.  Worked really good though.  Most people used it for insomnia but found it worked good with B.P to. Oh and also works is Marine Fish Oil with vitamin E that a buddist monk makes. Now the only thing is I have to remember to take them.
I hear you about a raging alcoholic my ex was. He was pretty much  everthing all wrapped up into one word.NUTS.



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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2007, 05:23:20 PM »

You make sure you have a good weekend. Great movie.

ah, Mom like a Little kid. I want to go hommme not hearing a word you say or caring. It's  hard when you become the caregiver. I use to feel exhausted mentally.

Enjoy Hops,
Love Deb,


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2007, 05:27:25 PM »    gonna go there now.  I got some red shoes now I want a red purse

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: weekends {:-(
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2007, 08:11:14 AM »
Thank you friends for all the nice and funny posts. That means I am not that lonely. Bur, yesterday, fianally, it was not such a bad day. I went to the gym, and to a literature discussion at Borders book store. After that, to the supermarket and home. When I got home I was so tired that feel asleep immediately. Today Sunday, will go to church and clean house. Still home alone. Would like to go to a movie, but I do not have anybody that would like to do so. Anyway, thank you so much for your kind words.