I am reexperiencing the pain and helplessness and hopelessness that was my life experience.
Hi GS...
I think the most important word in this sentence, that jumped out at me, is
Do you feel as though your re-experiencing the old pain and hopelessness is valuable?
I know in therapy we have to feel the pain to move through it.
What's hard, or has been for me anyway at times, is to realize when we're just recycling it.
Over and over and over...past the point when we can take new insights.
is your life...now. Now was. Hard as it
is, it's not free of hope.
And it's you. Now. Breathing now. Thinking now. Possible now. Acting now. Choosing now.
I've heard hope in your voice here. I've heard determination. I've heard resolve.
I've heard courage.
Most of all, I've heard effort.
That is not ever wasted and it's alive. It's present.