Hi Spyrelle
it seems like you have a clear pattern of reactions to strong emotions?
I cannot bear the whole ending thing...
letting go- of anything- is a big difficulty for me too, I confuse it with all kinds of other losses and abandonments.
Your mother's behaviour is very traumatic that way- do as I say or I abandon you....that's a horrible message from our mother even ifshe is a nuisance you're also glad to take a break from.
I picked upa book called 'he's scared/she's scared' about commitment-phobia recently, and was stunned to see a pattern of commitment phobia in myself, not just in commiting and saying yes to things but more strongly in saying no, letting go and moving on.
I'd never seen it like that before.
Have you got a therapist? This would be a time I would go back to mine, as I found myself overwhelmed.
Much love to you as you unravel this latest stage; you will get better, it is a process and setbacks will happen. They don't have to derail your whole life. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))