Oh Thank you Hops,
I am glad you believe me.
I love your ideas!!BUT GET THIS EVERYONE!!!!!I read an essay written by someone, after my last post, and in it she said, & I am paraphrasing, most people are in the state of having a 'motive' or a reason for thinkng, doing, feeling.
The flip side of that is EMOTIVE and she states that in the emotive state a person can have
no feelings at all.In other words you are all rational and I am irrational.

Have you ever heard of
"Rational emotive behavior therapy[/b]"
"In other words, human beings on the basis of their belief system actively, though not always consciously, disturb themselves, and even disturb themselves about their disturbances."
Irrational beliefs prevent goal attainment, lead to inner conflict, lead to more conflict with others and poor mental health.
Rational beliefs lead to goal attainment and more inner harmony. In other words rational beliefs reduce conflicts with others and improved mental health.
"REBT claims that irrational and self-defeating thinking, emoting and behaving are correlated with emotional difficulties such as self-blame, jealousy, guilt, Low Frustration Tolerance, depression, and anxiety. This is a view shared with some other well-known therapies, such as Re-evaluation Counselling and Person-centred counselling - as these both arose in the mid-50s, Ellis is thought to have had an influence on them. REBT is an educational and active-directive process in which the therapist teaches the client how to identify irrational and self-defeating tendencies which in nature are unrealistic, illogical and absolutist, and then to forcefully and emotionally dispute them, and replace them with more rational and self-helping ones.OMG! I learned something---- I must study up on it more!! Those were just a few quotes from ther wikipedia definition.
"I found the essay"... and this is where my search began.
am not sure of what its other uses might be. They are just logic tables.
They really don't have too much to do with feelings (emotions), all
feelings are created by motives, needs and fears, algedonic signals. It is
possible to have no feelings at all in the emotive sense. However very
difficult if I throw myself off a bridge with a bungy attached to my feet,..."more from Ellis:
Key to REBT thought is that the evaluation of the event, not the activating event itself, causes the emotional consequence; that by attaining a more rational evaluation of ourselves, others and the world, we are more likely to behave and emote in a more life-serving and adaptive way.
Originator Albert Ellis points out, "People are born and reared with the ability to look at the data of their lives, particularly the negative things that happen to them against their goals and interests, and to make inaccurate inferences and attributions about these data."
Whence do our self-sabotaging irrational beliefs originate? REBT teaches that we learn some of them during our childhood, some from environmental factors, but largely that human beings have strong inborne biological tendencies(Ellis, 2003). REBT differs from psychoanalysis in that it places little emphasis on exploring the past, but instead focuses on changing the current evaluations and philosophical thinking about our lives, others and ourselves.
Love Izzy