OK, cannot afford therapist. But coming here helps. Who can help here with cognitive therapy? Any ideas?
I am reading re-inventing my life, how to get out of life traps. Also read The Secret about positive thinking. It helped a little. Still I fell down last night. I was manipulated last night.
I do not want to be needy. I do not want to be needy.
Or maybe I perceived last night as manipulation. It is just that narcissistic traits in people really trigger me, so much to the point that almost make me nonfunctional.
They spot me, they use me.
There is a position that I dream about. >100 applicants. young, recently graduated, they like them, I am old, experience does not count, but that is the position of my dreams. They inform of those openings only by e mail to the people that are in. I am not in. I want in. A friend gave me the information. I applied. I got two important people to recommend me, old acquaintances of mine.
They will decide next week. I have to think positively.
Cognitive therapy. I do not want to be manipulated again.