Hi again, Besee,
You're welcome... but I don't think I've expressed what I meant very well.
Seems like the more I try to feel what's going on within me, the harder it gets to write, as though it takes me to a different level... maybe back to grade school. I hope you won't mind if I try again here.
Just recently I realized that I had some skewed notions of what empathy really is. I always thought it meant to actually feel someone else's emotions... and now I know that's not right.
So when I read what you've said about "a deep understanding of feelings", I think that I need to qualify that.
My husband does understand that there are times when he's not being asked to fix, but only to hear and help me to talk through my feelings. Actually, he's a big part of the reason why I'm beginning to understand this better now, but anyway...
that doesn't mean that he always understands my feelings... just that he's willing to hear and acknowledge them and usually, that's all it takes, because I'm not holding him responsible for how I feel... only needing him to be a sounding board.
And I fear that I'm still not conveying what I mean... argh.
I guess it's about the difference between understanding and acknowledgement. I'm the first to admit that I don't understand some of my own feelings... which is a big part of the reason why I've often failed to acknowledge them. Does that help?
In other words, he doesn't "approve" or "disapprove" them, just recognizes that they're affecting me and that alone helps to release them.
About Rosenburg's book... I have trouble seeing "consoling" and "sympathizing" as life alienating communications... I don't get it.
Sometimes that's all anyone can do, isn't it? The very best anyone can do, I'd think. At least I'd have been glad for it so many times.
This is all such foreign ground for me, Besee.. so much of this is stuff I should have learned years ago and didn't... but I want to now.
And I know exactly what you mean about all that judging... my goodness, I'm just thankful to have people willing to listen and maybe even take the time to ask a question or two, because most of the time, that's what it takes for me to dig out what's lies beneath... which is why this board is so very wonderful.
You wrote: "it is about respecting others and differences in others and not making people "bad" for being different."
Exactly. As I unlearn all the lessons taught me by my mother, that is what is left. Respecting differences, not demanding anyone be x,y, or z for me... because I said so.
Best to you, too, Besee... thank you so much for writing back.