I'm also feeling very cranky, right now, as a result of the emotional fallout with the NIdiot. So much so that I got very cranky with one of my distant cousins who "forgot" and sent me ANOTHER chain-mail e-mail after I had specifically asked him SEVERAL times to PLEASE STOP FORWARDING CHAIN-MAIL TO MY INBOX!
He has a history of sending me politically-charged e-mails and even racist jokes that are all chain-mail. I had politely told him that I am NOT a republican and to please stop forwarding chain-mail that push Bush/Cheney agendas and criticizing Obama. Then, when he forwarded a chain-mail racist joke that used the "N-Word" as the "punchline", I REALLY cranked out on him and reminded him that I had previously told him that I AM PART AFRICAN-AMERICAN and I do NOT appreciate being called the N-Word! He was appropriately embarrassed when he realized he had committed a major OOPS!

A little while ago, he "forgot" again, and forwarded ANOTHER politically-charged chain-mail that criticized Obama, again, and praised Bush. I became REALLY cranky at him and fired off an e-mail reminding him that, via our common patriarch, whether he likes it or not, Obama is a cousin and he needs to show more respect to family members! I got another apology. I'm wondering how long it's going to take before my cousin "forgets" again and blows up my InBox with more forwarded unwanted chain-mail! Sheesh!!!!!