Hi, Bones,
I absolutely detest junk mail, especially that sort... where- with one click, the sender can flood the inbox of every individual in her address book.
The last time I spoke up about unwanted email was several years ago, to my brother. Just told him that I didn't want to receive any more of a particular variety of communication... and I haven't heard from him since. Not complaining, but... well, I guess he showed me! heh.
If you've made up your mind that you want no further interaction with this person, then you'll have peace... whether she ever dumps another email into your box... or not.
Love, Carolyn
P.S. Thanks, Hops... me, too! For now, everything appears to be well settled, with the dad getting only 4 hours visitation per week and no weekends.
He's threatening to contest the judgment, but time is rapidly running out and we are pretty sure it's just empty talk. I'm just praying that - at last! - there can be some sense of normalcy to that sweet little girl's days. She's just 4 and this has already been going on through 3 years of her life. 'Nuff!
xOOxO Bunches,