I'm also wondering if the N's in your lives have ever faked helplessness whenever they didn't want to take responsibility for something?
My oldest sister does this daily.
She walks with a cane. I told her to get a wheel chair because it is no help, as everyone walks with her while she acts like she can't put one foot in front of the other. LIE
OH no I don't want one.
Why would she, she wouldn't be in control anymore of the person walking with her or should I say standing as she Cries out in pain and stiffness. NOT!
Told her to ask her Dr. for pain medication, and anti- inflammatory medication to help her debilitating arthritis and other unnamed illnesses. More BS!
She said, "NO" again, doesn't want to discuss it and says she doesn't like medication. BS!!!!!!!!
She pretends she has no money. When her wallet is filled with bills tucked away no one can notice.
Got her cable paid for by a neighbor who doesn't have cable herself because my sisters was going to have hers cut off.
Old friend pays her electric, she adds about $10 to the bill for extra cash.
Cashiers bring out her bundles to her car. As she can't carry them. BS again!
Pretending she is a step away from the shelter (as she is laying mulch, buying flowers, wreaths, 123 lawn step care etc.) that's how she get all her freebies.
Pretends she is physically handycapped. Everyone who falls for it bows to her every physical need. Again a big LIE.
She is exhausting. Watching someone be so good at conning people is amazingly sick! She is a master at her disguise and disgusts me.
I could go on and on, as you know with these people. I won't bore you with the details except she is not responsible in her eyes for anything, she is the victim and everyone needs to fill her with pity, material possessions and their time. And she loves to brag about it.
Her only responsibility is how to suck everything out of you, then she feels like she won the lottery.
Hope your feeling better.
ox seasons