My homeless cousin managed to call me last night, talking a mile a minute! I'm not sure which is more uncomfortable...listening to her ramble while she's drunk out of her mind, or the rapid-fire yakking I was hearing last night that was making me wonder if she's actually Bipolar, having a Manic episode, and off her meds.
She's currently in a nursing home because she had a bad fall and she was describing all the various therapies she's having, e.g. speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc., etc. Because she was talking so much about the speech therapy she was having, I asked her if she had a stroke or something like that. (Egg-donor had to have speech therapy after her stroke and strokes are a HUGE risk on the maternal side of the family. This particular cousin is related through Narcissistic Egg-Donor.) Cousin denied she ever had a stroke and said it was because she had a bad fall. (Uhhh...Cousin, Egg-donor had a BAD fall at the time she had her stroke while she was walking outdoors.) Fortunately, for Cousin, she had her mishap outside of a hospital so she didn't have to go far to the Emergency Room.
She also kept fishing for my address so I gave her my post office box again. (I really do NOT want her turning up on my doorstep, with her hand out, asking me for money. She's tried to fish for money or access to using my home to use my shower and I've always told her NO.)
I feel bad for her, given that she's homeless, and, at the same time, with the medical crap that's going on with me, I have more than enough on my own plate. I can't deal with her issues right now.