I was thinking over my experiences from assisting with the H1N1 clinic the other day and I suspect I encountered a couple of N's while there. I'm part of an emergency response organization where there is a required protocol of who is supposed to do what. This protocol was developed after a disaster, with a lot of fatalities, occurred in California during the 1970's because there was too much disorganization, duplications of efforts, the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing, self-deployment, and too many people "doing their own thing". To prevent a catastrophe like that from happening again, there is now a system that ALL emergency responders, civilians, professionals, and volunteers MUST follow which includes reporting to ONE supervisor, after you have been assigned to a team, and keeping that supervisor apprised of what you are doing. (Does this make sense or is my description still a little fuzzy?) I don't know how many people are familiar with the Incident Command System or the National Incident Management System.
Anyway, after the supervisor in charge had given us our assignments and I started to take care of mine, TWO members approached me and wanted to take over what I was doing! (Self-deployment.) I asked them both if they had talked with our supervisor about what he had assigned them to do. They both said "No, but...." I stopped them both and explained that they need to discuss their assignments with the supervisor and that I don't need any help at this time as I was simply sorting through some papers. (I had a nice rhythm going which seems to be soothing for an Aspie, possibly my version of stimming.) They didn't want to talk to the supervisor and started to mess up the rhythm I had going and I got firm with BOTH of them and told them: "TALK WITH THE SUPERVISOR! THIS IS ALREADY COVERED!" One finally backed off and went to talk with the supervisor who gave her something else to do while she was waiting for clients to show up. The other one PERSISTED until the person I was teamed with also spoke up and told her that our task was being taken care of just fine and we did NOT need HER help! She walked off in a huff! (For most of the day, she just about drove us CRAZY doing her own thing, giving clients WRONG information that we had to correct REPEATEDLY, and this dingbat simply would NOT listen to ANYONE!) Finally, she announced that SHE was bored because there wasn't enough for her to do and she left. (Thank God!) It felt like the clinic operated more efficiently AFTER she left! Geez!